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When a South Carolina woman is charged with murder after a miscarriage and Georgia mothers die because of hospitals unwilling to abort failing pregnancies, I don’t ask what we have become, because I know.

We’re a nation held hostage by a movement that is not pro-life, they are pro-birth and pro-punishment of women.

Vote not just for Harris but for Democrats in every race. This must end.

She was accused of murder after losing her pregnancy. SC woman now tells her story:…

in reply to Tony the Mechanic

"Voters need to never leave any line on their ballot blank. That's a big part of the problem here. Especially in presidential years. We know that a lot of people will go to vote for the Democratic candidate and leave the other lines blank, especially judicial races.

If they want to continue having a functional representative democracy, they need to fill in every bubble in every race on that ballot, or else they are going to inadvertently relinquish their own ability to act as citizens engaged in democratic self-governance."

-Mark Joseph Stern on Amicus this past weekend

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