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The more sophisticated AI models get, the more likely they are to lie

Human feedback training may incentivize providing any answer—even wrong ones.…

in reply to Ars Technica

And the censorship imposed on AI models could lead to nasty consequences since we are teaching the AI that there are information that must remain outside public domain. @arstechnica
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Ars Technica

while the logic of what is being said here is reasonable as an account of how AI is not becoming more accurate, the article anthopomorphises AI more than any other I have ever read. "AI models are not really intelligent, not in a human sense of the word." Wrong. There is no "intelligence" at all. That is not how they work.
in reply to Ars Technica

I was doing some math with my son the other night and I figured I would put the problem in chatGPT just to see how it did. I was surprised how poorly it performed on Algebra.
in reply to Ars Technica

reminds me of is a line from a #startrek movie; the more plumbing you add the easier it is to clog up the drain.

#software #engineering