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Margaret Sullivan offers insightful commentary on what was colossally wrong with the New York Times' choice to juxtapose clashing headlines about Kamala Harris and Trump on its site recently — and what's very wrong with the corporate media's continued both-sidesism as they report on this presidential election.

She writes:

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Positioned directly next to each other, as they were on the Times site, they were quickly seen as a microcosm of What the Hell is Wrong with Media Today. 'This arrangement and editorial gloss may stand for, capture, the journalism about the entire campaign,' noted Josh Marshall, the founder of Talking Points Memo."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

A headline claiming (mendaciously) that Harris is refusing to make her policies clear to media read:

"In interviews, Kamala Harris continues to bob and weave."

"The other, on a story about Trump’s alarming language about migrants as carriers of supposedly impure bloodlines and genes read: In remarks about migrants, Donald Trump invoked his long-held fascination with genes and genetics."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Commenting on the second headline, the author Stuart Stevens, who writes about how democracies turn into autocracies, suggested: 'These two headlines should be studied in journalism classes for decades.'"

Sullivan reports that she responded (on Twitter/X) to Stevens, saying, "Not a bad idea," and got a snarky and supercilious (my words) reply from young whippersnapper (my words) Michael Barbaro.

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Barbaro co-hosts New York Times' Daily podcast. He responded to Sullivan's agreement with Stevens:

"“Care to explain what the issue is with these headlines?”

As she suggests, Barbaro knows full well what's wrong with them. But she explains anyway so that more of us can open our eyes and see what's going on.

The Harris headline is "a negative headline over a dubious story." It's the Times continuing its ugly attacks on Harris, in short.

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"But juxtapose it with the Trump headline, which takes a hate-filled trope and treats it like some sort of lofty intellectual interest.

That headline, wrote Stevens, 'could apply to an article about a Nobel prize winner in genetic studies.'”

Sullivan cites Kevin Kruse:

"Historians: He’s a fascist. Political scientists: He’s a fascist. His own aides: He’s a fascist. The NYT: He shows a wistful longing for a bygone era of global politics."

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

And as she concludes, pointing to what Kevin Kruse says,

"That, in essence, is the issue with these headlines."

Barbaro's snarky response to Sullivan puts on full display all over again the morally vacuous arrogance that is the heart of the matter in the elite media's eschewal of honest reporting on the threat a political party now turned full fascist poses to American democracy.

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

There's an elitist, totally unearned, whiff of moral superiority on the above-the-fray pretenses of many journalists at NYT and elsewhere in the corporate media. They want to dictate to the rest of us the "correct" (both-sideist) way to view moral issues regarding which they themselves refuse to take sides even when one side threatens to unravel the entire social fabric. Then they want to snark and preen and posture when called to accountability.

#KamalaHarris #Trump #NewYorkTimes #media

in reply to Cindy Weinstein

Or worse.
Michael Flynn is calling for executions of opponents.……

And he isn't the only one or even the first Republican operative to say so.…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 We would have ‘Reichs Kristallnacht” already, if the right wing nuts would not be that stupid and without any historical knowledge.
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Just who exactly does #BrokenTimes think they are impressing here? Are they truly so blithely unaware of what's at stake? Or have they backslid to their racist robber baron roots?

Are freedom-loving Americans mere "stubborn insects" to the Times board and major shareholders?


A thumb on the scale, becomes a boot on the throat

Makes no difference to some, so long as they get to gloat

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in reply to Strange Culprits

It's not the first time the New York Times willingly fostered a fascist movement on behalf of the moneyed.

Sanewashing a wannabe despot isn't new for the NYT.

Using muted euphemistic language for domestic terrorism isn't new either.……

Nicole Parsons reshared this.