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Wajahat Ali asks Melissa Deckman, CEO at Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI),

Why are so many Americans openly embracing authoritarianism? PRRI's latest study shows 43% of Americans espousing authoritarian views. Why so?

Deckman's response,

"Religion matters." PRRI finds that Republicans far more than Democrats lean authoritarian, as do Christian nationalists and folks who are highly religious.

#authoritarianism #Republicans #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Ali then asks Deckman how much misogyny, patriarchy, belief in "traditional" gender role influence people's prefrence for authoritarianism.

Deckman's response: a lot. There's significant overlap between those gender ideas and the preference for authoritarianism that is especially strong among highly religious Americans and Christian nationalists.

#authoritarianism #Republicans #WhiteChristianNationalism #PRRI