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"On October 1, in Louisiana, a law will go into effect that reclassified the drug misoprostol as a controlled dangerous substance. Misoprostol can be used for abortion. It is also used for routine reproductive care and during medical emergencies to treat postpartum hemorrhage."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#Republicans #abortion #healthcare #women #ReproductiveRights #misoprostol #Louisiana

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"It is on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medications, a list containing those medications that are the most effective and safe to meet a health care system’s most important needs. After antiabortion activists targeted the drug, Louisiana governor Jeff Landry signed a law reclassifying it as a controlled dangerous substance. The reclassification means that the drug will no longer be easily available on obstetric hemorrhage carts."

#abortion #misoprostol #Louisiana

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

“'Take it off the carts?' one doctor said to Lorena O’Neil of the Louisiana Illuminator. 'That’s death. That’s a matter of life or death.'”

#Republicans #abortion #healthcare #women #ReproductiveRights #misoprostol #Louisiana

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"This is always how the anti-abortion movement operates. It’s palatable, and been historically successful, for those activists and allied politicians to paint abortion as a singular, siloed-off procedure that exists only in Planned Parenthood clinics. It’s easy, then, to demonize the supposed distinct set of women (and differently identifying people) who use those services too."

~ Kate Riga

#Republicans #abortion #women #ReproductiveRights #misoprostol #Louisiana

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

As Adam Unikowsky reports, Arkansas citizens will not be permitted to vote on abortion rights this year despite the fact that a petition to place an initiative on the ballot had far more than the number of signatures required.

State officials — Republican to a man and woman — claim that the petition for the initiative was defective because it did not have an attached photocopy, though law does not require that photocopy.

#Republicans #abortion #Arkansas

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

This matter went to the right-wing Arkansas Supreme Court, which upheld the denial of the right for Arkansas citizens to vote on abortion rights.

Unikowsky concludes,

"Arkansas state officials are unapologetically engaging in viewpoint discrimination, interpreting the law in one way for ballot initiatives sponsored by conservative groups and in the opposite way for ballot initiatives sponsored by progressive groups."

So much for rights in GOP states.

#Republicans #abortion #Arkansas