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Via NYCSouthpaw:

Jamie Dimon’s paternal grandfather Panos Papademetriou immigrated from Greece to New York in 1921, the year a racist reaction against southern and eastern European immigration led to the Quota Act

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country... Now that they are sending migrants into New York... all my super liberal friends realize what a problem it is."

in reply to Laffy

The real problem is the tax code that allows people to acquire billions of dollars in wealth and become #oligarchs. We have set up an #oligarchy in this country where people without empathy rise to the top of the economic pyramid and acquire political power through that wealth. This system actively chooses the assholes among us and bestows them with enormous power. That is how you get the #oligarch grandson of an immigrant now trying to scapegoat immigrants.
in reply to charvaka

BRAVO!! BRAVO!! Finally calling the "billionaire class" what they truly are - OLIGARCHS
in reply to terag1e

@terag1e US #CorporateMedia likes to use different words based on the nationality of the oligarch. When an oligarch operates in a foreign country like Russia or Ukraine, they correctly refer to him (it's usually a him) as an oligarch. But when talking about oligarchs operating in America, including the owners of most of those corporate media outlets, suddenly they are very careful in to use the term billionaire, not oligarch.