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He’s switched to Dem and is voting for #Harris

Exclusive: John McCain’s son decries #Trump appearance at Arlington as a ‘violation’ that turned cemetery into campaign backdrop

in reply to Laffy

I mean, not gonna pee on this or anything, but I do find it perplexing of all the fairly horrific/unamerican/literally criminal/etc things… this is the one that was 'The Straw'.
in reply to CM Harrington

@octothorpe "The youngest son of the late Sen. John McCain had already been moving away from the Republican Party — just weeks ago, he changed his voter registration to Democrat and plans to vote for Kamala Harris in November, he told CNN in an exclusive interview this week."

I guess it's hard to switch parties when your identity has been tied to it, but he had already changed parties, but is now speaking out.

I still don't understand how the dude still polls in double digits.

in reply to Carolyn

@CStamp @octothorpe thank you for adding this quote from the article - hoping others decide to read the article and not just dunk on him... Change is difficult...
in reply to Laffy

@CStamp @octothorpe I was replying about the what took him so long and his reasons arent good enough folks....
in reply to LittleGoatGirl

@aliza @octothorpe I share your exasperation, but I think we need to focus more on celebrating the guts to make the change instead of being frustrated about why it took them so long.

Edit: Keep in mind that by coming out publicly against the orange thing, he & his family will face the hate of the Deplorables, so this public denunciation is no trivial thing.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Elizabeth MacKenzie

@Dr_Elizabeth97 @CStamp @aliza @octothorpe Worth remembering that his grandfather and great grandfather are both buried at Arlington. This is personal.
in reply to Chris Dudley

@ccdudley85 @Dr_Elizabeth97 @aliza @octothorpe Also: "McCain’s anger over the Arlington episode was also particularly acute because when it happened, he had just returned from a seven-month deployment to a small US base on the Jordan-Syria border known as Tower 22.

He arrived there just weeks after three US service members were killed on the base in a drone attack by Iran-backed militants, and he says he thought of them when he saw Trump posing last Monday in front of gravestones."