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Told you so, Debbie Downers.

Now comes the part where you tell me her politics suck. And I remind you that I've said repeatedly that I hate her politics too, but that she's still a good ally in this one case: Defeating Trump.

Here' you go, via Scott MacFarlane:

FLASH: Her spokesman confirms Liz Cheney is voting for VP Kamala #Harris for President

And she makes the announcement in ….. North Carolina

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Laffy

2/ "I don't believe that we have the luxury of writing in candidates' names, particularly in swing states. And as a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this. And because of the danger that Donald #Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I’m voting for Kamala #Harris."

in reply to Laffy

people don't seem to grasp the difference between trust and aligned interests.

Lincoln Project, Liz Cheney, others in the same vein... NEVER TRUST THEM. But don't stop them from firing at your enemies.

There, end of story, end of loyalties, nothing owed them, at all.

in reply to faraiwe

@faraiwe Aligned interests is also known as "interest convergence," where people who wouldn't normally be aligned can both benefit from an approach so they both support it. Much of the civil rights laws were enacted as a result of interest convergence. Some American conservative politicians were worried that the USSR would gain a foothold with newly freed African countries because of Jim Crow policies in the south. Bills passed. Alliance ended. The rest you know.
in reply to Laffy

I want to add that she is taking her public anti-Trump campaign and now her announcement at great personal risk. She is undaunted by regular death threats. I don’t agree with her politics but I respect that she is putting her life on the line for this country which is more than her former colleagues are doing