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IBM to buy HashiCorp for 6.4b — should I post a hot take on the state of corporate #opensource tomorrow?
in reply to Jeff Geerling

i wonder if they changed their licenses because they knew this was coming, or if them changing the licenses is what made them IBM material
in reply to Jeff Geerling

Me: Shaking a virtual Magic 8 Ball

Ball: Signs point to yes

in reply to Jeff Geerling

Make if super hot my friend.

That said, I find it that you don’t go over board and run all hyperbole across the room refreshing. One can be upset without being stupid.

(Silly, if done for comedic effect, is fine.)

Also how much value does an open source project have for a corporation if it has a fork that ends up being the commonly used version?

in reply to Jeff Geerling

that's simply disgusting. Hope OpenTofu guys will win the battle.
in reply to Jeff Geerling

if the license change for terraform wasn’t a reason to switch, this should be the wake up-call.