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Liz #Cheney tells NBC she believes the #SCOTUS"got it wrong" on the immunity decision.

"#Trump believes he will be immune for anything he does once he's in office. He will not respect the rulings of our courts. And people have to realize, our courts can't enforce their own rulings. So, if a president refuses to carry out his obligation to do so, then we are no longer a nation of laws. Donald Trump will ignore Congress."

in reply to Laffy

And we got here by the Senate violating the Constitution by refusing to vote on any nominee appointed by President Obama, no matter who the nominee is. Absent any curative step, it’s been hard to believe #SCOTUS decisions since are legitimate
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to John Refior

but just a reminder, Cheney voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, voted in favor of his administration’s policies in Congress, and generally supports a white, Christian, right wing political agenda. She is not a good person.
in reply to John Refior

Why do people feel compelled to remind me of that?

I think I must post this every two days:

Just because someone is atrocious politically, and has been, and will be, doesn't mean they aren't a good ally at this time, right now, currently.

I've seen NOBODY say she's a "good person" or better politically than she was. That goes for any anti-Trump GOP ally right now.

So please, try to appreciate the united front. Go back to adversarial talk later.


in reply to Laffy

I'm so very tired of people who care more about purity than success. We need all the help we can get to beat Trump, and I'll take it from anyone willing to vote for Harris.
in reply to Laffy

I also think it's important to have a permission structure for dyed-in-the-wool Republicans to vote for the Democrat. Cheney is doing that, and it's something that her Republican bona fides let her do better than anyone who ranks as acceptable on the purity scale.
in reply to Roger Moore

Basically, the people who complain about Cheney being a bad person are like the people who complain about the background of cooperating witnesses in a mob trial. No shit, Sherlock! Hard core Republicans like Cheney are bad people almost by definition, but that's an essential part of why they're convincing in this role.
in reply to Roger Moore

If defeating trump is job 1 for Democrats, job 2 needs to be wrapping trump like an anchor chain around the entire Repub Party and throwing them in a deep sea trench.
No more sacrificing our children on the altar of bipartisanshit.
No more “the two party system is good actually”
No more “we need a strong Repub party”
No more.
in reply to arceuthobium

I agree that bipartisanship is BS. Part of the reason I'm willing to accept Cheney's help is because it appears to come without qualifications. She just wants to defeat Trump and isn't asking for anything in return.
That said, turning Trump into an anchor for the Republicans is easier said than done. The thing that's scariest about Trump isn't him personally; it's the tens of millions of voters who saw what he did in office and want 4 more years.
in reply to Roger Moore

@VATVSLPR @theothersimo @jrefior

Republican voters have bought Trump's vindictive retaliatory policy making and itch for more opportunities to wail about modernity, progress, and people who worked hard & got ahead.

Immigrants. POC. Women.…

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