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Good 🧵from @emptywheel: 1/..

I'm trying to decide whether it's fair to use the term "dick-wag" w/VP #Harris.

Headlines, "Harris accepts CNN debate invite" are as wildly inaccurate as headlines, "#Trump accepts Fox News invite," were.

Accurate headline would be: "Harris goads Trump to do CNN debate."

in reply to Laffy

Perhaps one of my favourite parts of all this is that, when Biden was the presumptive candidate -- being the incumbent and all -- a debate was a no-win for him. Trump would clomp onto the stage and fling shit, and Biden's calm responses would be decried because of a stutter or his age. In contrast, Harris' fire, smirks, and thinly-veiled taunts render this a no-win for Trump, a man whose bluster and bluff no longer cover up the clear fact that he's a weak, ineffectual, incompetent puppet.

The Harris campaign's message right now is attack, ridicule, belittle, and educate -- and it's working very, very well. The Republicans, coming off a diet where the Democrats are always 'above reproach' in their game, don't know what to do with someone else wearing rhetorical brass knuckles.

in reply to Laffy

2/ This effort is being led (well) by Brian Fallon. When he was similarly doing negotiations for the ABC debate, journos couldn't shake their Trump-centric View of All Things to report accurately on what Fallon was doing, and so missed it.
in reply to Laffy

3/ But this effort is similar (and Fallon is playing the press just like he did before).


Trump: We can't debate, I'm a chickenshit too busy trying to change the rules, so I'll say votes are already being cast.

in reply to Laffy

4/ Thing is, and this is what Trump-centric View of All Things is incapable of reporting: Goading has no downside.

Either you get a 2nd debate (unlikely, bc Trump might lose even worse), or you make Trump look weak, which leads him to do Stupid Things.

in reply to Laffy

I would dearly love to hear the "discussions" (screaming tantrums) that's going on right now in the Trump campaign regarding accepting this debate. Which would be worse, doing it and likely have an even worse outcome than the last one, or pass on it and look to all the world the coward he (like all bullies) really is?

My guess is, they see doing the debate as doing more damage right before the election, but with Trump's fragile ego, who knows?