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"If you block me it means you think I'm right" actually it means you're annoying and I wasn't enjoying our interaction. Life is too short to use my energy on strangers who suck.
in reply to Dr. Amy, Psy.D.

"I don't justify blocking for any reason" good for you, then don't block anyone.

"I can't see any good reason why you need a block function" I'm thrilled you've never been in a situation where you found blocking necessary! That's not the case for everyone though.

"I want you to justify why you block" shut up. I don't take homework assignments from strangers.

in reply to Dr. Amy, Psy.D.

Momma raised me a hat full of sayings, one of which is "If it moves you, it's yours." Why do the asinine remarks of folks who you want to block move you? @GottaLaff is my hero in this respect, very free and easy with the #toodles and if I didn't follow her example I would have to abandon this place. I don't announce my blocks, just as I don't announce "I'm setting this boundary." I simply act consistent with the boundary I'm setting. And I block without remorse or a backwards glance.