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“On Mon #Musk re-posted a post by acct called Autism Capital which incl screenshot of theory that referred to "people who can't defend themselves physically (women & low T men)," sugg they are "very malleable to brute force manuf consensus."

The post said only "high T alpha males & aneurotypical people" are able to ques new info.."This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think."

in reply to Laffy

and to make matters worse, the article labels his misogyny as ''a theory''.
in reply to Laffy

And this is why I tell every new voter I register on Election Day to never forget that on this one day every few years, you have just as much power as Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or Jeff Bezos.

And to never forget how precious your right to vote is - but never forget to use it as often as possible. 🇺🇲