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Judd Legum:

Is there a single voter in the United States of America who will be swayed by Dick Cheney’s announcement that he is supporting #Harris?

Via Emptywheel:

The funding report Kamala put out the other day said that "almost 1/5 of donors [in Aug] were registered GOP or Indep. Those are people willing to put their name to their support. BUT… 1/2 🧵

in reply to Laffy

2/2 Emptywheel, cont’d:

….a large # of Kamala-curious GOPers will need permission. Cheney gives it. He will not, single-handedly sway that many votes (though he may be the tipping point for a good many). But over and over Kamala-curious Republicans have heard from Republicans that voting for VP=patriotism.

Cheney is not my definition of patriotism. He is for lots of GOPers

in reply to Laffy

sweet jebus folks - take the win, however minor. he is a former Republican vice president who is voting for the Democratic candidate because Trump is a traitor. Cheney is awful but him doing this and stating it publically is a good thing.
in reply to Laffy

It's also important to keep reiterating to Dem voters that this DOES NOT MEAN the Dem platform is moving right. These Rs are not demanding a seat at the table, nor are they actually willing to stand under the tent in terms of ideology.

This is practical politics.