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‘Something every woman watching the debate probably noticed: Trump could not bring himself to say the name of the serving vice president, his opponent for the presidency. For him, Harris was just a pronoun: a nameless, identity-less “she,” “her,” “you.” … Harris bruised his feelings, and Trump reacted by shutting his eyes and pretending that Harris had no existence of her own independent of President Joe Biden, whose name Trump was somehow able to speak.’ David Frum
in reply to Nicole Parsons

T**** didn't offer a single idea to improve people's lives.

He scapegoated #Immigrants all night (even on subjects that had nothing to do with #immigration.)

He had to go back to "the flu #pandemic of 1917"… 107 years ago… to find an example of a pandemic that was handled worse to defend his handling of #Covid.

Despite embracing the endorsement of 🦇 💩 😜 RFK who admitted to once having "a freezer full of roadkill", he cited a bizarre claim #immigrants are eating dogs.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to MugsysRapSheet 🔩🐑🐘

@MugsysRapSheet @Npars01 He went back to immigrants again and again because he's basically a know-nothing, and he just works what he thinks will have the best effect, whether or not it's relevant!
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Ted_Cville

@Ted_Cville @Npars01
He goes back to "#immigrants" again & again b/c he (and his #cult) are #racist douchebags, and they're an easy scapegoat to blame for everything.

He blamed them for #crime, #Covid, #drugs, terrorism, why he lost the popular vote in 2016, and the #election in 2020.

in reply to MugsysRapSheet 🔩🐑🐘

@MugsysRapSheet @Ted_Cville
Xenophobia is a hallmark of a fascist movement funded by the wealthy trying to shift attention away from themselves.

The same media tactics were used by Hitler, Mussolini, etc.

It a blameshifting "Squirrel! Look over there!" distraction. Redirection of blame is what Nazis do to media & they fall for it each time.