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Here's a reminder of where we are now compared to where we need to be.

As mentioned in my previous post (, fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions are at record highs. Yet scientists have repeatedly warned that we *must* rapidly reduce emissions or face climate breakdown and ecosystem collapse.

Look at the second graph below. We should have taken action years ago. By 2030, our emissions need to be 48% lower than in 2019. But instead, they keep going up, year after year. We're already halfway to 2030 and have made zero progress.

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 The Corporations know that it is already too late. They knew what would happen from research in the 1970s. They don't care. Profit is everything, it is even more important than life - their life, their children's lives, all life on the planet.


They forget this: Those who die with the most money are still dead*. And they do not "win" anything.

Entropy (dressed as the Grim Reaper) is always the winner.

* This gives me great cheer, grim as it may seem.

And finally, a song by Tom Lehrer:
