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#ClimateDiary I already reposted this but keep on thinking about it. I knew, of course, what @rahmstorf is saying here: that all this is irreversible (at least for the next 10,000s of years). But somehow reading it here, as one short sentence, it really really hit me.

I mean, the fact that we will nver again have “normal” weather is just so enormous.

I also keep on thinking of what @snippet said: that the word “crisis” (#ClimateCrisis,
#Polycrisis) 1/2…

in reply to Pauline von Hellermann

1/2 that calling this a “crisis” is deeply misleading, as it suggests that, whilst things are bad now, they will get better, back to “normal” again. This is not the case here.

Also thinking about how “crises” is what we are used to as stories, narratives. This makes them quite hard to move away from, especially towards something so awful as permanent change.

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