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"Substack CEO Chris Best said he didn't want to "engage in speculation" about statements like “all brown people are animals.""

Given another opportunity to answer correctly by the interviewer, “You know this is a very bad response to this question, right? You’re aware that you’ve blundered into this. You should just say no. And I’m wondering what’s keeping you from just saying no,"

He declined.

So, fuck him. And fuck his site.

I'll NEVER use Substack. #BlackMastodon…

Gabriele Svelto reshared this.

in reply to Biped Earthling

These tech lords aren't stupid people.

Somewhere in their evolution as technology leaders, they've developed the rather oddly childish concept that libertarianism isn't fascistic.

Or maybe it's just the source of their VC funding that creates this refusal to know. Middle Eastern oil kleptocrats aren't known for their flexibility on bigotry. Neither are #KochNetwork Republican billionaire donors.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

Great wealth tends to corrupt the soul, poison the ego. It warps their reality, enables their worst impulses, and on frequent occasions turns them into giant, selfish, egotistical pricks.
in reply to Huntn00

I've seen pretty convincing presentation arguing that it literally damages their brains.
in reply to Nicole Parsons

What Nicole said. Not sure wealth itself is the cause. I know many obscenely wealthy people that are kind & decent. The question I ask is how did they get that rich.

For example, I commonly run into former athletes that became businessmen & they're often total assholes leaning on the same tools that they used in competitive sports.
- If you're not 1st, you're last
- I take what I want
- Fuck anyone that gets in my way
- For me to win, you need to lose

in reply to kurtsh

Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, James Simons & Larry Fink are all insanely wealthy, AND decent human beings.
in reply to Biped Earthling

For me Gates is a modern Carnegie, trying to rehabilitate his utter ruthless past. He has no remorse for the peoples lives he crushed for the sake of his beloved Microsoft. As you noted he could have been a good one, but not for me.
in reply to William Hughes

I read the book when it came out.

Not impressed.

Not at all.

All books written from those perspectives were from people who weren't insiders, didn't actually know insiders, were anonymous quotes from disgruntled MS staffers, gripes from hapless would-be rivals, and anecdotal wink-wink/nod-nod tabloid fare.

Oh, also mix in vocal minority open source adherents who have outed themselves as being more evil than Microsoft was ever purported to be.

in reply to Biped Earthling


BillG's crimes was that he was hyper-competitive.

That's not a sin; neither a crime.

in reply to Biped Earthling

Ok, so some of the good billionaires when they have so much money they can’t possibly spend set up a foundation to give a fraction of it back. It’s so inspiring. 🙄But they have enough money they could fund a State, so this is Capitalism enabling this kind of gluttony. Exactly how much money does a human being need to live a good, happy, productive life? A hell of a lot less… 🤔
in reply to Huntn00

They d have a lot of money, enugh for several lifetimes.

That, is true.

in reply to Biped Earthling

Short answer? It's complicated.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio etc. made a lot of money, sometimes through ruthless capitalism, yet now seem to be giving their money to worthwhile causes like ending guinea worm disease & malaria. There are worse ways to make amends.

On the other hand, GOP billionaires like Barre Seid, Charles Koch, Harlan Crow, Stephen Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Kelcy Warren, & Tim Dunn are using their fake ...


This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons


...philanthropy to end democracy & fry the planet.

Seid's $1.6 billion in tax evasion ended the civil rights of 167 million American women. Schwarzman & Crow's cash dehoused millions through high housing costs & RealPage. Warren & Tim Dunn's cash is creating a theocratic petro-state despot.

Charles Koch is leaving a $5 billion bequest to finish converting American constitutional democracy into fossil fuel funded fascism.…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

Why do these phony"foundations" even exist as tax-exempt entities? They are scams to avoid taxes for the ultra wealthy while pushing a sick and destructive ideology. The perversion is that these billionaires are so obsessed with not paying any tax, they will do anything to avoid them even after death. Psychos.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

My point is there are good and bad people across the spectrum. In my opinion, that much wealth should not be in the hands of single individuals, it’s not healthy for our society, and there’s enough people when they get that much money become dangerous so, the problem is we need responsible people in charge to regulate this, and that is also a huge challenge. I’m a cynic about the future of the human species, I mention The Great filter quite often. 🤔
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Huntn00

People like Charles Koch are prepared to risk the extinction of the human species to runaway climate change.

A tipping point could happen with a mass volcanic eruption, or nuclear war, combined with climate change could render the planet uninhabitable for human civilization.

These GOP megadonors are playing with the lives of billions of people.…………

This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 Don't forget the nutter who gave almost $2 billion to the Federalist society to build the current corrupt crop of Hez'Bollah Supremes..

They actually hate America.

in reply to Biped Earthling

Barre Seid $1.6 billion bought the overturn of Roe vs Wade.

That public corruption of the Supreme Court ended the civil rights of 167 million American women.

And there's more to come...………………

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to 🍥SarahBurnout🍥

I access all pay walled material through my public library. Mine uses PressReader.

You can also copy/paste the link with a prefix to several work arounds…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @homelessjun Most of the time, posting the article's headlines shows you several no-paywall links.

Caveat emptor, though: you ONLY want to click on trusted sites.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @homelessjun I am usually on my phone when I run into paywall, and is great for that situation. One of the options (usually almost always works