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It doesn’t start with Kristallnacht.
It doesn’t start with gas chambers.
It doesn’t start with concentration camps.

It starts with saying immigrants eat your pets.

in reply to Andrea Junker :verified:

Recommendation for a book about why Republicans hate education, history, and immigrants.

Diasporas bring new ideas to parochial or insular societies. Immigrants de-provincialize the thinking of communities they join.

Republicans don't want fresh ideas percolating through America. Ideas like pluralism, freedom from cognitive tyranny & religious factionalism, sharing the drive for building a common good

These are ideas GOP billionaires want to snuff out…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Andrea Junker :verified:

it started earlier. it started when a man who campaigns on lies, racist rethoric and fear mongering, is welcomed by millions inspite of him being human garbage, a convicted felon, and a fraud.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to gi124

@gi124 it started when the tea party set the standard in the GOP
in reply to Floon

@hteasley @IvarGierveld @gi124
☠️ 🙈 🙉 🙊 ☠️ It can be easily argued it started with the dawn of humanity...…
in reply to Kid Mania

@clintruin @IvarGierveld @gi124 Yes, well, with a sufficiently wide lens.

But if you want a *slightly* more fine-grained analysis, it was in 1994 that the GOP declared that it was essentially not cooperating with the Democrats anymore. Decades of consensus legislation went away, because the GOP had a big victory and they were feeling their oats.

It got solidified with the Hastert Rule, and the launch of Fox News in 96.

in reply to Kid Mania

@clintruin @IvarGierveld @gi124 Reagan and Tip O'Neill worked pretty amicably together. They got stuff done, and each side had its victories.

I mean, Reagan was a blight of evil and really brought the idiotic Libertarian ethos to the mainstream, but in terms of political negotiation, that still worked.

It was under Clinton that the GOP decided it wanted revenge for... something.

in reply to Floon

@hteasley @clintruin @IvarGierveld @gi124
Perhaps it's not a coincidence but the fossil fuel industry started funding anti-democracy movements at an accelerated rate after this:…………

For #KochNetwork, the hatred of all things democracy & all things Clinton, got personal

Koch bought a corrupt Supreme Court over the EPA & what he views as his right to fry a planet…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons


Koch gathered a group of racist billionaires to go after the Clintons & any attempt at climate action.

Citizens United & the erosion of the Voting Rights Act was only the beginning.………………

#KochNetwork even solicited the help of OPEC+, especially Saudi Arabia & Russia, to shield the fossil fuel industry's profits.…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.