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"Crucially, unlike other medical freedom organizations, Four Thieves isn’t suggesting people treat COVID with Ivermectin, isn’t shilling random supplements, and doesn’t have any sort of commercial arm at all. Instead, they are helping people to make their own, identical pirated versions of proven and tested pharmaceuticals by taking the precursor ingredients and performing the chemical reactions to make the medication themselves."

in reply to It's Going Down


"Medications with poor quality standards, doubtful efficacy, and lacking scientific validation but still useful in scams & fraudulent schemes to con the gullible. "

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

What does this mean? From the thread it is hard for me to deduce what this quote is targeting at.
in reply to TheSecondVariation

Republicans spread disinformation deliberately about covid vaccines to promote snake oil cures like ivermectin instead. Ivermectin is a horse medication for intestinal worms.

Over 1.2 million Americans died of covid as a consequence of that politically motivated malign influence campaign.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

Alright thanks for explaining. I am still amiss due to the context. If you listen to the talk they specifically target at people who are in life threatening need of medication but can not afford them due to how shitty the pharmaceutical industry (patent law, greed etc.) is and also other issues like republicans campaigning against women's rights (one of the recipes they developed allows you to cook abortion medicine as an example).
in reply to TheSecondVariation

I agree that it will overall probably help very little to improve the situation. The main benefit from empowering people to produce their own medicine would be only over the long run. To me what is great about this project is that it allows people to experiment with chemical reactions at home expanding their knowledge, curiosity and playfulness.
in reply to TheSecondVariation


I am not sure how advisable it is to have "playful" cardiac medications or "self-diagnosed" epilepsy pharmaceuticals.

I am all for empowering people and support self-sufficiency but as @rbreich says, is "is corporate welfare for the 1%, and rugged individualism for the 99% really a solution?"

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to TheSecondVariation

@TheSecondVariation @Npars01
She's equating Four Thieves' work with counterfeit meds and fraud. Not sure why.


The "make your own medicine" movement means no quality standards, no regulations to thwart fraud, and no way to control overdosing on homemade opioids.

Imagine cancer drugs with a miniscule percentage of an efficacious dosage. But sold as the real deal to the poor or desperate.

Imagine drugs containing deadly contaminants.

Imagine counterfeit abortion drugs killing women or causing birth defects.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @AdrianRiskin
1. Of course if you produce a product for 200 x the ingredient values 20 years after the discovery and the government enabling your bogus market practices due to your lobbying efforts there will be a black market that will go in competition with you.

2. The source that was posted enables small scale individuals.
Criminal networks get top level chemists from universities and have top level equipment. They have no need for such small scale solutions.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @TheSecondVariation
I know counterfeit drugs exist. What does that have to do with the article the posting of which your comment was in response to?
in reply to Adrian Riskin 🇵🇸🍉

@AdrianRiskin @TheSecondVariation
Few people would invest the money necessary to manufacture their own homemade medications in a lab without an intent to sell it.

Lab equipment for drug manufacture & quality assurance testing equipment is expensive. So are the precursor chemicals.

DIY medications are a suboptimal solution to the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, intractable patent protections, regulatory capture, & price fixing.

Anti-trust laws, patent reforms, ...


Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons


...streamlined FDA approval processes, market competition, price controls, subsidies to small operators, government regulations, & public funding are better options.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @AdrianRiskin @TheSecondVariation Yeah, but how is this related to the topic?

Why not create your own thread with your weird ramblings instead of posting comments in random places?