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Here in the U.K., the chancellors' announcement about changes to the winter fuel allowance benefit for pensioners has certainly got everyone animated.

I know it's an emotive topic, but I'm going to look at it from a socialist perspective without guilt tripping anybody about freezing pensioners.

You know. More light, less heat.



in reply to ProjectFearlessness

First, a point of order. All government's need criticizing, and I say go for it. But your criticism is not going to land if you don't criticize them on the facts. So, please, just get it right.

The chancellor is bringing in means testing for the winter fuel allowance. It's not being scrapped. If you start your criticism by saying it's being scrapped, you're not going to be listened to. At least, not by me. Sorry, not sorry.



in reply to ProjectFearlessness

The first point about the means testing of the winter fuel allowance is that the cut off point seems too low. If you have to be eligible for pensions credits, your income is already way too low.

There are going to be lots of pensioners whose income is just above the pensions credits level who will really miss their winter fuel allowance. Those are the people we need to protect from this benefits cut. This is where socialists need to apply pressure on the Labour government.



in reply to ProjectFearlessness

The point being missed is that U.K. chancellor Rachel Reeves is absolutely following socialist principles by means testing the winter fuel allowance.

Right now it's a universal benefit that goes to every pensioner regardless of their income. That includes all of the 3.2 million pensioners who have assets over £1 Million.

Think of it like this. As it stands, your hard earned taxes are going to pay Mick Jagger's gas bill.

Do you really think we should keep it that way?



in reply to ProjectFearlessness

yes, I prefer universal benefits to means tested ones. The overhead of admin is a cost, as is people who should get the benefit missing out. I’d rather those guys get what they need and Mick Jagger gets the benefit too. Make it fairer by taxing wealth instead
in reply to Eilidh Troup

Apart from the cost of administering means testing, the real problem isn't the fuel allowance itself, but the meagre state pension which necessitated it in the first place. The solution is to raise state pensions so that those who solely rely on it can afford heating without extra handouts. The tax system will then ensure that better off pensioners pay more into the system.