Fixed a long-standing color contrast problem on my website 🎉
Been using (h/t @KiwiKilian) remark-shiki-twoslash as an @eleventy v3 replacement for eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash to highlight syntax in Markdown code blocks.
But it's stuck on an old Shiki version with no accessible themes. So I forked it!
@olets/eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash has high contrast themes and supports Eleventy 3. (CJS->ESM side quest: createRequire)
#shiki #eleventy #FrontEnd #a11y
GitHub - olets/shiki: Forks of some Shiki org repos. Notably, @olets/eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash support Eleventy 3 and adds the latest Shiki themes and languages
Forks of some Shiki org repos. Notably, @olets/eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash support Eleventy 3 and adds the latest Shiki themes and languages - olets/shikiGitHub
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)