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The Rule of law will not exist under a Trump dictatorship.

You must elect Harris Walz.

in reply to CandyK

Until 2016 I'd always been convinced, that criminals wouldn't ever be allowed to take higher office in democratically governed countries of the free world.
An orange asset of a Russian dictator & war criminal commander of wars of aggression being admitted to the Oval Office seat despite his rampant criminality obviously proved the theory of fatal American exceptionalism again instead.
in reply to CandyK

"Follow the money" seems to always be a good recipe to find the roots of criminal morons put into places they definitely don't belong in, like public or even presidential office.

Follow the money that placed Trump in public office, check all tax irregularities, possible money laundering & contacts with foreign adversaries.
If the NSA shouldn't have all the bills & tapes, who should?

#AmericaDeservesBetter #KamalaHarris #HarrisWalz #RegisterToVote #GOTV #VOTE #Democracy
