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People focus on Hitler and Nazi leaders and the atrocious lethal lies they told to justify the mass murder of Jews.

But they should focus also on the willingness of very many people to believe those lies, to cheer and assist as their Jewish neighbors were rounded up and sent to their deaths.

The problem is never just the Hitlers, the Nazis. The problem is us, many of us — our propensity to stigmatize and hate.

#Trump #Republicans #Hitler #Nazis #immigrants #BloodLibel #PoliticsofHate

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

The Nazis had plenty of collaborators who converted to the cause of hate & xenophobia.…

France's collaborators:………

Dutch collaborators:…


Are these traitors to democracy any different than the Texas vigilantes reporting women for having a suspected abortion?………

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 Yes, thank you for that good reminder and the valuable links. They certainly did have widespread collaboration in Austria, France, the Low Countries, Eastern Europe.
in reply to Nicole Parsons

But there were also people who helped Jewish people. I had a cousin (German Jew) who escaped from CC, fled to Denmark & was part of the underground. You would never have imagined it - he was mild, quiet, gentle. He never spoke about it. I only knew because my grandmother told me. And the only Danish words he ever spoke were things meant to amuse us kids.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to DB

@lawyersgunsnmoney @lolonurse
The D-Day landings succeeded in part because of the French Resistance.

They risked their lives throughout WW2 to resist the Nazis.………

Like many nations, the ideology of fascism exposed deep rifts in national identity. Bigotry vs pluralism. Rich vs poor. Liberty vs authority.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @lawyersgunsnmoney
Yes, but France has a very long history of antisemitism itself. My own family lived in the very eastern part of France that, centuries ago, went back & forth between France & Germany (before Germany was unified), then they fled to Westphalia about 700 years ago, during one of France's pogroms, & lived in Westphalia until Hitler.
in reply to lolonurse

@lolonurse @Npars01 France also tried to surpass the Nazis in how many Jews from their own country they could put on trains and ship to their deaths. The historical research on this was suppressed until the early 1980s. DeGaulle maintained that fiction of freedom fighters while the Vichy dispatched thousands to the gas chambers, with nary a thought from the population
in reply to DB

@lawyersgunsnmoney @lolonurse
The Vél d'Hiv Roundup was infamous. Over 13,000 men, women, and children sent to their doom by their fellow citizens.………

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @lawyersgunsnmoney @lolonurse Thank you. "Sent to their doom by their fellow citizens" is such a chilling statement, and it happened over and over during those years, in many places.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

@Npars01 @lolonurse And this is explicitly the MAGA Trump Vance Heritage Foundation playbook. I’ve said for a long time that we are re-living the 1930s, which is ghastly
in reply to DB

@lawyersgunsnmoney @Npars01 @lolonurse Yes, to me the parallels seem so clear and so stark that I'm astonished many people want to pretend they're not there.
in reply to Burnt Veggies

@Burnt_Veggies @lawyersgunsnmoney @Npars01 @lolonurse Yes. I think the unfortunate reality this period has forced many of us to see is that a significant proportion of Americans — studies show this over 40% of the population — are strongly inclined to authoritarianism. Years of Republican attacks on public education coupled with toxic religion and deep racism have had lamentable effects on how many Americans view the world and their fellow citizens.
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

@lawyersgunsnmoney @Npars01 @lolonurse Well summed. Teri Kanefield used to say it was about 30 percent of any population will lean authoritarian. That seems to ring true.
in reply to Burnt Veggies

@Burnt_Veggies @lawyersgunsnmoney @Npars01 @lolonurse That's interesting information. I hadn't known Teri Kanefield had said this. It fits with recent PRRI findings:…

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

@Burnt_Veggies @lawyersgunsnmoney @lolonurse

The delusional allure of easy solutions through despotism...

Fareed Zakaria also commented that dictatorships offer false hopes of giving up & letting go of the fight to preserve democracy. The Joy of Quitting.

Peace by lying down & quietly dying at the request of Republican billionaires IS NOT really an acceptable option.

These megadonors intend to fry the planet & replace democracy with a theocratic oligarchy…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

What an amazing thread. One of the best I've ever read & the references are fantastic. Thank you all.

My husb & I often discuss this propensity of citizens of any nation to embrace or repel *the other* in society.
Why do the 40% hate so much? Why are they unmoved by the logic and empathy of the 60%?

In the first instance i think children learn generational hate & rage and that cycle has to be broken by self awareness + education + community. (I did it by moving from UK to Australia to put distance btwn us & my toxic family but that's another story)

Secondly collusion comes about when ppl think they have more to gain from aligning with the oppressor/enemy & seek either survival or approval. They have to be made to realise the approval will never come bc they will always be seen by the oppressor as flawed or at best useful to their cause. (eg MAGAs will always be gutter people to someone like Trump or Bannon)

Thirdly i think some ppl just DONT have the physiological capacity to empathise. So they need compassionate laws/ social scaffolding to compel them to behave (eg covid + masks)

I think in the past, religion has made ppl (1) control rage, (2) align & (3) obey rules when they didn't want to, so its satisfied all the above criteria.
But more ppl are turning from religion bc it no longer rings true in our scientific age & has fallen into the hands of characters who interpret the words of ancient texts for their own gain.

This has left a huge vacuum currently being filled with the Seven Deadly Sins. (Interestingly Sloth has a fascinating mental dimension of lack of care for other - see photo)

We desperately need mature empathetic measured calm GLOBAL governance to fill this vacuum. There are very few ppl up to this job. Dare i say most are women...
The men currently espousing authoritarianism are woefully and terrifyingly lacking in any qualities that can address the problems facing us all.
Trump and Putin are amongst the worst of them.

Capitalism and the worship of money/commodities is the fuel on the fire that makes the rageful amongst us resentful bitter introspective vindictive & vengeful against those minority *others* who have no voice to change the system.

#globalpolitics #auspol #ukpol #usapolitics #authoritarianism #capitalism #fascism

This entry was edited (7 hours ago)
in reply to DB

@lawyersgunsnmoney @Npars01 @lolonurse
Finns and Ukrainians have shared a border with Russia and been attacked by Russia and nazis. They have not had the luxury of not having to think about existential defense. To their credit, they never stopped preparing and never lost courage. We (US) can't even face and discuss serious problems.
in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 Rachel Maddow's podcast Ultra is about the plans of Nazi sympathizers in the U.S. to take over the government in the 20th century. It wasn't just in Europe.