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Items tagged with: WomenInHistory

“We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry.”

#OnThisDay, 1 Oct 1847, American Maria Mitchell spots comet C/1847 T1.

She goes on to be the first woman elected to the American Academy of Arts of Sciences and Professor of Astronomy at the newly-founded Vassar College.

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“Our heedless and destructive acts enter the vast cycles of the earth and in time return to bring hazard to ourselves."

#OnThisDay, 27 Sept 1962, Rachel Carson's influential book 'Silent Spring' is published, documenting the environmental impact of pesticides.

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#OnThisDay, 25 Sept 1942, Lise de Baissac and Andrée Borrel parachute into occupied France to become Special Operations Executive agents. They are the first women to parachute in.

Lise survives the war, dying in 2004. Andrée is captured in 1943, and killed at Natzweiler concentration camp in 1944.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #WorldWar2 #Histodons

#OnThisDay, 25 Sept 1951, 87 women meet at the first Te Rōpū Wāhine Māori Toko I te Ora (conference for the Māori Women’s Welfare League) in Aotearoa (New Zealand).

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #NZHistory #Histodons

#OnThisDay, 19 Sept 1893, the Electoral Act is signed into New Zealand (Aotearoa) law. All women over 21 who were 'British subjects', including Māori women, gain the right to vote.

Over 90,000 women vote in November 1893.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #VotesForWomen #NZHistory #Histodons