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Items tagged with: rights

I’m looking forward to a day when we no longer call them women’s rights or lgbtq rights or the rights of people of color.

I’m looking forward to a day when we just call them rights.

#election2024 #voteblue #lgbtq
#womensrights #rights #KamalaHarris

"Threatening to cancel votes":

Florida officials allege fraud to kneecap abortion rights amendment

The last-minute report threatens to "cancel" votes for an amendment to restore abortion rights in the state

In a last-minute effort ❌to kill a proposed ballot amendment that would #restore #abortion #rights in Florida, state officials are accusing a group that gathered signatures to get the amendment on this year's ballot fraud.
Florida Deputy Secretary of State #Brad #McVay claimed in a 348-page report released on Friday night that "Floridians Protecting Freedom" paid out-of-state petition circulators to harvest fraudulent signatures. That group that gathered nearly 1 million signatures for the abortion rights effort.
The report alleges that “more than 20” of the 911,000 signatures were from now-deceased Floridians.
Florida law allows voters to add amendments to the state constitution directly, if 60% of voters agree with a given proposal.
⚠️Though the election is just three weeks away and ballots have been printed, challenges to the amendment could invalidate votes cast for the initiative.
🔥Governor Ron DeSantis’ administration has worked hard to kneecap the rights-restoring proposal,
💥reportedly sending state troopers to interrogate petition signers and threatening to prosecute television stations that run ads supporting the measure.
🆘On Thursday, state's Supreme Court ruled DeSantis was not abusing his powers in his attacks on the amendment.
⭐️Florida Democrats warn that the report is just another tactic aimed at killing the effort to repeal the state's DeSantis-enacted six-week abortion ban.…

Florida threatens to
🔥criminally charge TV stations airing #abortion #rights ad

🆘The Florida health department is demanding stations pull the ad,
❇️which urges voters to defeat the state’s six-week abortion ban at the polls

Florida’s health department threatened #criminal #charges for television stations that run a political ad calling for the repeal of the state’s six-week abortion ban,
one of the nation’s strictest.

💥At least two stations received cease-and-desist letters Thursday
written by John Wilson, general counsel from the Florida Department of Health,
❌demanding they pull the advertisement.

The health department and office of Florida Gov. #Ron #DeSantis (R) did not respond to requests for comment.

Wilson wrote that running the 30-second spot was a violation of Florida’s “#sanitary #nuisance” law,
🔸which is commonly used to charge people with overflowing septic tanks or unclean slaughterhouses.

🔥He ordered the stations to remove the ads within 24 hours or open themselves up to a second-degree misdemeanor charge,
which in Florida carries a 🆘sentence of imprisonment up to 60 days and a fine up to $500.

In the ad, Caroline Williams describes how ➡️ Florida’s current #abortion #ban would have put her in an early grave if it had been enacted a couple of years ago.…

The US election is on a knife edge.

My trip to Georgia showed how easily it could end in tragedy

To my right: a cluster of #election #conspiracy #theorists who still believe Donald Trump won in 2020.

To my left, a group of #voting #rights #campaigners, singing an old spiritual popularised during the civil rights era.

They were here to observe
🔥last-minute efforts by hard-right officials to alter the way in which votes will be counted next month.

The measures, many say, will sow doubt in this crucial swing state, 🆘creating chaos that is likely to favour Trump.

A man wearing a Trump T-shirt had weaved his way into the voting rights group
– most of whom were Black
– and was grinning with satisfied amusement.

Others started hanging pro-Trump flags behind them as police officers intervened.
The conspiracy theorists
– mostly white
– pointed and laughed…