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Items tagged with: EyesonSudan

the next 3-5 messages are from Action Network:

Congress has recently introduced two resolutions to deal with ever worsening crisis in Sudan. Introduced in the Senate (S. Res. 559) and the House (H. Res. 1328) both resolutions recognize the actions of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied militia in Darfur, Sudan, as acts of genocide against non-Arab ethnic communities. The resolutions also:

Condemn these atrocities
Call for accountability through national and international mechanisms
Urge increased humanitarian support for victims
Emphasize the need for preventive measures against future genocides
Promote international cooperation to address the root causes of the conflict in Darfur and ensure lasting peace and stability

Click here to tell your Members of Congress to co-sponsor House and Senate resolutions in support for the people of Sudan.

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #EyesOnSudan

Sudan Emergency Medical Appeal- Help Children & War Victims
Organized by SAPA…

#MutualAid #Sudan #TalkAboutSudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan

from Sudanese American Physicians Association on birdsite:

Devastating floods in #Sudan have left thousands homeless and claimed lives, including children. The tragedy continues as the rainy season persists through September.

Donate to help get supplies to them!

#TalkAboutSudan #SudanFloods
#KeepEyesOnSudan #MutualAid #CrowdFund #EyesOnSudan


Only at 633/20,000

from tootahalata on the birdsite: "hajer’s brother is still suffering from several open wounds due to the torture he endured from the RSF. a doctor has been visiting at home but there is very little he can do. please donate so that he can receive proper treatment"


#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #MutualAid

“We can no longer feed our children alone, so my neighbours and I help each other. One brings flour, another brings oil and onions, and we all contribute vegetables. Our children eat once a day at noon and then wait until the next day.” ~Dar El Naeem Idris

~‘2 to 3 children buried daily’ in Sortony camp as famine looms over Darfur,…

#Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #Darfur #ZamZam

Darfur Victim Support Organization

#Darfur #Sudan #KeepEyesOnSudan #EyesOnSudan #TalkAboutSudan #MutualAid