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Items tagged with: ella

#MAGA #attacks on Kamala Harris' #stepdaughter threaten to backfire on Donald Trump

#Ella #Emhoff has triggered Trump's bitter #bro #fanbase
— but an embrace of the #incel #vote could come back to hurt him

Harris' family has drawn ire -- especially her stepdaughter,
25-year-old model and designer Ella Emhoff,
whose creativity, beauty, and easygoing love for her family has sent many on the right into paroxysms of #rage.

The daughter of Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, triggers the incel-minded online right by being a Brooklyn hipster who rejects the tiresome conservative rules for how women are allowed to dress or behave.

In response, Donald Trump's fanboys are in a total meltdown, unable to accept the existence of a woman who doesn't care what they think of her.

And they can't hide that they're furious that she looks great doing so.