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Items tagged with: hackers

#HamConBE might sound like a pure #amateurradio (#hamradio) conference but it actually more.

The conference also aims to bring together people from different communities of users of #radiotechnology in Belgium, ranging from #hackers and #makers (#meshtastic, #LoRa, wireless domotica, ...), scientists (#astronomy, #meteo, tracking birds, ...), #space, #cybersecurity, (#infosec) #education, and others.

Check out out #CfP at

HamCon Belgium:
26th of April 2025

Headline: Hackers Claim Massive #Breach of Location Data Giant, Threaten to Leak Data

Subtitle: #GravyAnalytics has been one of the most important companies in the location data industry for years, collating smartphone location data from around the world selling some to the U.S. government. #Hackers say they stole a mountain of data.


#Privacy #Security