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I knew the CDC is no longer tracking Covid cases, but this still seems like an absurd state of affairs. "Most likely increasing"?

"Cases are most likely increasing in 39 states & aren’t declining anywhere in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...

"The CDC no longer tracks Covid cases, but it estimates transmission based on emergency department visits."

Also: Zero mention of masks in this article.

#Covid #Covid19 #CovideIsNotOver

in reply to Jeri Dansky

Zero mention of masks, zero mention of CDC's own wastewater data
in reply to Kate Nyhan

The article does reproduce a CDC map though, showing states that are "growing" / "likely growing" / "stable or uncertain" / "not estimated" in terms of COVID infections.
I wonder how many people reading NBC news will look at their state, see it's green (stable or uncertain), and feel reassured. Pity for Nevadans and Utahns, then, that while *this* map says their COVID cases are "stable or uncertain," the wastewater map says that their wastewater viral activity level is high.