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Items tagged with: COVID19

Honestly, it's just so discouraging. This photo was posted to LinkedIn. You'll never believe it, but this is the ISRP Conference of RESPIRATORY PROTECTION, USE AND USERS in Oxford England. Their post said this was the "first in-person meeting since the pandemic," and the agenda had a half dozen sessions about masks. If these people don't get the importance of wearing a mask at events while #COVID19 is still mutating and circulating, what are our chances of getting anyone else to do so?

Florida's new COVID-19 booster guidance is straight-up misinformation.

From CBS News: "In what has become a pattern of spreading vaccine misinformation, the Florida health department is telling older Floridians and others at highest risk from COVID-19 to avoid most booster shots, saying they are potentially dangerous. Clinicians and scientists denounced the message as politically fueled scaremongering that also weakens efforts to protect against diseases like measles and whooping cough."

For more fact checks, follow @fact-check-ElectionCentral

#COVID19 #COVID #Misinformation #FactCheck #Florida #Desantis #PublicHealth

On #COVID19 vaccines:
"What stayed long was the protection against severe disease leading to hospitalizations and death. That was reasonably durable, not measured in many years, but durable beyond a few months; whereas the protection against infection was lower than that against severe disease and was much less durable."

Not a single mention of Long COVID from the guy jabbed 6 times with 3 COVID infections!…

New interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci:

On #COVID19 herd immunity:
“If you have a pathogen that keeps changing like the multiple variants of SARS, and if you have a duration of immunity that’s measured in months, the entire concept of herd immunity is no longer valid.”

On masks:
“A properly fitted mask worn consistently — of an N95, and to a lesser extent a KN95 — clearly is protective.”


Can't stop laughing at how ridiculous this is:

"In a survey of public support, U.S. adult residents (74.6%) strongly or somewhat support wastewater monitoring, with nearly all (95.3%) stating they would take steps to protect themselves if wastewater monitoring data indicated disease transmission in their area."

So, #COVID19 risks are high. How many are "protecting themselves"?


A little bit of sense in an otherwise insane world.

The Santa Cruz County Health Officer, in anticipation of a difficult respiratory season, will require masks for all visitors and personnel working in local acute care facilities, nursing facilities, surgical and maternity centers and infusion centers. The order takes effect in a couple weeks. If only all public health officials cared as much. #COVID19…

So to recap:

"For the children" means
▫️ Bombing and stealing Ukrainian kids
▫️ Installing windows into bathrooms in high schools
▫️ Taking away right to privacy online
▫️ Investigating minors' genitalia & violating their right to medical privacy if they dare sign up for an intramural sport.

Noticably absent from the list:
▫️ Universalizing Radon mitigation in schools (2nd leading cause of lung cancer)
▫️ Universalizing IAQ initiatives / HVAC upgrades [Low air quality associated with a loss of 1-3 years of QALY (quality-adjusted life years), and that was before #COVID19]
▫️ Expanding their autonomy and right to private medical care as should already be guaranteed under the 14th amendment (yet is being violated by red states everywhere).
▫️ More expansive climate action
▫️ Zero actions to restrict firearms access / automaticity of firearms through post-market mods, outside of a single Executive Order that Trump passed, Biden kept, & SCOTUS overturned based on their expertise in, *checks notes*, nothing firearm related at all.

Got it.