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So to recap:

"For the children" means
▫️ Bombing and stealing Ukrainian kids
▫️ Installing windows into bathrooms in high schools
▫️ Taking away right to privacy online
▫️ Investigating minors' genitalia & violating their right to medical privacy if they dare sign up for an intramural sport.

Noticably absent from the list:
▫️ Universalizing Radon mitigation in schools (2nd leading cause of lung cancer)
▫️ Universalizing IAQ initiatives / HVAC upgrades [Low air quality associated with a loss of 1-3 years of QALY (quality-adjusted life years), and that was before #COVID19]
▫️ Expanding their autonomy and right to private medical care as should already be guaranteed under the 14th amendment (yet is being violated by red states everywhere).
▫️ More expansive climate action
▫️ Zero actions to restrict firearms access / automaticity of firearms through post-market mods, outside of a single Executive Order that Trump passed, Biden kept, & SCOTUS overturned based on their expertise in, *checks notes*, nothing firearm related at all.

Got it.

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