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"A new CNN poll showed that a majority of the Republican Party now agrees that 'an increasing number of people of many different races, ethnic groups, and nationalities in the U.S.' is mostly threatening (55 percent) rather than enriching (45 percent) to American culture."

~Aaron Blake

#Republicans #Trump #JDVance #immigrants #xenophobia #PoliticsofHate #racism

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"This represents a sharp rise from 2019, when just 21 percent of Republicans said that this increasing racial and ethnic diversity was threatening. Back then, Republicans said by a 48-point margin that it was actually more enriching than threatening.

So, from 21 percent in 2019, to 41 percent last year, to 55 percent today."

#Republicans #Trump #JDVance #immigrants #xenophobia #PoliticsofHate #racism