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Items tagged with: JDVance

"To give equal weight to each 'side' in coverage is already a distortion of the electorate that often fails to account for the anti-democratic forces at work in the anti-abortion movement's fringe."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction #media

"ProPublica obtained reports that confirm that at least two women have already died after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care in their state.

There are almost certainly others."

~ Kavitha Surana

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction #Georgia

"These laws are an albatross around the neck of every Republican who hopes to carry a swing state, and none more than the presidential candidate who appointed the three Supreme Court justices who made it happen."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

"Sending abortion 'back to the states' has proved wildly unpopular, particularly as conservative legislatures passed draconian bans with criminal penalties for health care providers."

~ Liz Dye

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

"But what about spreading an incendiary story for which there is no evidence?

'We’ll take the hit to prove the bigger point,' the adviser said."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

"Trump aides think it’s a net plus. The longer the discussion is about migrants, the less it is about tougher topics for them.

'We talk about abortion, we lose. We talk about immigration, we win,' said one Trump adviser."

~ Marc A. Caputo

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #abortion #PoliticsofDistraction

They’re just itching for violence.

Via Kyle Griffin:

#JDVance is continuing this morning to spread racist lies about Haitian migrants — in this country legally — in Springfield.

Political scientists had long found that candidates who used explicit racial demagoguery paid a price for it at the polls. Hence the need for coded dog-whistles.

But after Obama's election, they found that that penalty had disappeared.

And here we are.

#trump #jdvance #fascism #propaganda
#Election2024 #immigration

Via Emptywheel: 1/…

First, #Trump and #JDVance adopted a conspiracy theory from Nazis, Blood Tribe, designed to exploit difficulties of expanding population

Trump made a false Nazi claim to 60M people.

Now Trump's false claim is eliciting terror threats shutting down hospitals and universities.

This should be non-stop attention from the press.

Wow. He really did say this.

I hope @atrupar posts his vid of this one. Here’s his tweet:

#JDVance claims he and #Trump have to "create stories" about migrants eating cats and dogs "so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people."

There is then some awkward dead air as Bash tries to highlight the absurdity of what he just said [about “creating stories”]

4/ "What’s deeply troubling and new is that political leaders who could turn down the volume on these xenophobic, anti-Haitian lies are instead cranking the volume to earsplitting levels. Ohio U.S. Sen. #JDVance, the GOP vice presidential candidate, posted baseless falsehoods on X/Twitter before his top-of-the-ticket mate, Donald #Trump, stunned the nation in a nationally televised debate by blurting out. “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs” — and they’ve continued to double down."

🧵 #JDVance is even more dishonest than Donald Trump. The old guy lies constantly, but often he can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. He regularly thinks he's in some other state.

Vance is a calculating deceiver who has twice admitted that he lied for political advantage.

Speaking to CNN today, Vance said that he and Trump "create stories" which are untrue, like the lies about Haitians in Springfield.

Trump and Vance, denialists of the first order, walk over eggs (interesting subtext image) as they run away from the ABORTION issue.

#Trump #JDVance #eggs #abortion #runaway #politics #political #humor #humour #cartoon

Polls shmolls, but this one is fun.

Via Dan Shafer:

I'm still working on my Marquette poll breakdown, but here's one for you on the VP candidates:

Net favorability with women:
Tim #Walz: +17
#JDVance: -21

Via Ammar Moussa:

🚨🚨The #Trump-Vance ticket just endorsed privatizing veterans health care.

That would be a disaster for America's veterans.

Kamala HQ (has TV clip):

Q: Would you consider privatizing veterans health care?

#JDVance: I think I’d consider it

JHC, what an idiot.

Via Rupar:

#JDVance on CNBC says that if immigration was the path to prosperity, then "America would be the most prosperous country in the world." (Who wants to tell him ... )

"This falsehood, directed at a community that has done nothing wrong besides being from a different place than the surrounding residents, shows how much the Trump campaign’s strategy hinges on polluting the information environment with lies about vulnerable groups that Republicans want to blame for the country’s problems."

~ Adam Serwer

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #hate #PoliticsofHate

"Trump and Vance are lying about this fabricated allegation about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, eating pets because their main goal is to generate the emotion of disgust toward a target group of people, to make immigrants subhuman. Straight out of the fascist, authoritarian playbook and a primer for violence toward that group."

~ Robert P. Jones

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #hate #PoliticsofHate

"A campaign built on populist demagoguery has nowhere else to go especially when slipping in the polls. It is based on an 'us versus them' binary where the 'us' has to constantly be rallied and riled against the 'them.' Fear mongering and resentment—American carnage—is baked into the cake. And it will be served up nonstop between now and November—and perhaps beyond."

~ Shikha Dalmia

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #xenophobia #PoliticsofHate

"The Trump-Vance campaign isn’t 'backtracking' from it because this is who they are. They want people to hate immigrants, they want to encourage violence. They don’t give a damn that the things they’re saying are false."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #hate #PoliticsofHate

"This racist lie designed to divide American and stoke hatred towards immigrants and racial minorities — exactly the kind of lie that has in the past resulted in violence against marginalized communities. things they’re saying are false."

~ Jamison Foser

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #hate #PoliticsofHate

"He is trying to stir up hatred. It’s the politics of hate that I wrote about in Hatemonger. He wants people to believe that all of their problems are due to immigrants, and to create this — you know, an environment that is extremely unsafe for immigrant families, mixed-status communities, people of color across this country."

~ Jean Guerrero

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #hate #PoliticsofHate

"The story was thoroughly debunked even before the debate. But examining how it got laundered from the fringes of the internet to Trump’s lips during a debate watched by tens of millions of people perfectly illustrates the hollowness at the center of the Trump movement, and indeed in modern conservatism itself."

~ Liz Dye

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia

"Observers correctly noted that the racist trope of immigrants eating pets dehumanizes marginalized people who are already vulnerable, putting them in danger. While posters and media have repeatedly pointed out that the Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are there legally and have revitalized the city, making fun of those sharing such a stupid lie has a different kind of potential to defang it."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia

"Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance attacked the moderators and doubled down on the lie that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were eating their neighbors’ pets, despite statements from Springfield police and the town manager that there is no evidence for such a statement."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia

"There are monsters in this story, but they aren’t the immigrants trying to build a better life for themselves and their families. They’re the neo-Nazis, the right-wing influencers, the ghoulish amen chorus online and on Fox, and most of all, Donald Trump and JD Vance. They’re seeding the ground for something truly horrifying, and no one should mistake it for anything else."

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #Haitians #xenophobia #BloodLibel #antisemitism #pogroms

"JD Vance is no dummy; he is very conscious of the way he is kneading the clay of racist lies to arrive at what he believes is a more elemental truth. ...

This fictional barbarity, Trump and Vance are saying, must be met with genuine barbarity of our own. These are not humans but monsters, and if we have to spill their blood to purify our nation, it will be a righteous and glorious pogrom."

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #Haitians #xenophobia #BloodLibel #antisemitism #pogroms

"Is it that we should be concerned about the effects of immigration on housing prices or school resources? No no no. It’s that immigrants must be seen as sub-human. Who eats dogs and cats? Humans don’t do that.

The accusation is meant to evoke fear and disgust; it’s closely related to the ancient blood libel against Jews, which said they were kidnapping Christian children to kill them and use their blood in dark rituals."

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #Haitians #xenophobia #BloodLibel

"The story is false, but it ricocheted through right-wing social media, quickly being promoted by Elon Musk, various Republican members of Congress, and Vance himself, who was all too eager to spread it far and wide."

Waldman writes,

"The fake story reveals a deeper, more essential truth that it’s important for people to believe. And what is that supposed truth?"

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #dehumanizatiion #Nazis #genocide #ElonMusk

As Paul Waldman notes, the toxic and easily disproven lie that Trump chose to spread in the debate — that Haitians in Ohio are eating pets — started with Vance, who got the lie from neo-Nazis:

"It wasn’t until neo-Nazis began spreading a lie about those immigrants eating pets that Vance got people to really pay attention to Springfield."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #dehumanization #Nazis #genocide

"Trump is using similar language as a prelude to the proposed mass deportations of migrants that both he and Project 2025 (which he claimed last night he’d never read) call for. Trump and Vance are setting up a society where atrocities against other human beings can be justified by dehumanizing them first."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #dehumanization #Nazis #genocide

"In extreme cases, dehumanization is a path towards genocide, the way the Nazis called Jews in Germany vermin and claimed that they spread disease and used the blood of non-Jewish children in rituals as prelude to the Holocaust. Trump is using similar language as a prelude to the proposed mass deportations of migrants that both he and Project 2025 (which he claimed last night he’d never read) call for."

#Trump #JDVance #immigrants #Haitians #xenophobia #dehumanization #Nazis #genocide

"It is both of those things, but it is more than that; it is also dangerous. Dehumanizing people is what makes inhuman treatment of them possible. It’s how you justify the family separation policy that ripped children from their parents, some of them so young that reunification is still elusive more than five years later."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #dehumanization #Nazis #genocide

Joyce Vance quotes Greg Sargent, who says,

"Fact-checking MAGA's vile lie about cat-eating Haitians misses the point. It's an *open* assertion of the power to lie with impunity about immigrants as a prelude to 'bloody' removals of millions."

Then she adds,

"It's not just that the Haitian story is ridiculous. It's not just that it’s a lie."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #Nazis #genocide

😆 1/2

Via CBS News’ aaron navarro:

Today, above the Big House, the DNC is flying a banner that reads:

“#JDVance ❤️ Ohio State + #Project2025."

The trolling of Vance, who graduated from OSU in ‘09, is one of four banners the DNC has at college football games today

Lol, I love Ammar Moussa's tweets:


Matthew Rink:

New: Dem VP nom #Walz rally in Erie, Pa. Thursday drew 2,500 people, according to official figures from #Harris camp. John Fetterman had 1,500 in '22 at rally ErieBCC following stroke that sidelined him from campaign trail. #JDVance had roughly 200 in Erie last week.

"In between appearances with Dana White at UFC events, Trump has made sure to hang out online where young men do, granting interviews to podcasters like Logan Paul and on live streamed shows like Adin Ross’s."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #misogyny

"Between Trump and Vance—with his deeply held contempt for women who don’t bear children—the Republican presidential ticket is working hard to repel female voters in November. As they do, they are seeking to turn up the vote share from young men, including first-time voters, who are increasingly identifying with the GOP and flocking to Trump."

~ A.B. Stoddard

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #misogyny

“#JDVance endorsed a 2017 report by the Heritage Foundation that proposed a sweeping conservative agenda to restrict sexual and reproductive freedoms…

Vance became a champion of the project. He wrote the introduction and praised the volume as ‘admirable,’ and was the keynote speaker at the public release of the report at Heritage’s offices in Washington.”