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Discussion of the overt fascism now promoted openly by one of the two major parties in the US continues — because of course.

"The similarities are myriad, and it was my knowledge of the history of Fascism that allowed me to see how dangerous Trump was from the start."

~ Ruth Ben-Ghiat

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"It is telling that those who know the most about the threats Trump represents, because of their access to intelligence and national security information, are now speaking out and labeling Trump as 'fascist to the core.'"

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Trump is what a Fascist demagogue looks like in 2024 America, and Trumpism aims to defeat our democracy and establish a form of governance that would have strong similarities with Fascism as well as other experiences of authoritarianism. Those are the stakes of this election."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Robert Reich:

"Trump’s closing argument of the 2024 election is full-throated fascism."

Reich notes that fascism is different from and more dangerous than authoritarianism and has five key elements, "all of which are now central features of what Trump is offering voters:

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

1. The rejection of democracy, the rule of law, and equal rights under the law, in favor of a strongman.

2. The galvanizing of popular rage against political opponents.

3. Nationalism based on a dominant “superior” race and historic bloodlines.

4. Extolling brute strength and heroic warriors.

5. Disdain of women and fear of non-standard gender identities or sexual orientation.

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"I long resisted the use of the word fascist to describe Trump. But almost a year ago, I came to agree with Milley that Trump is through-and-through a fascist."

~ Tom Nichols

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"He is not only unhinged in his narcissistic self-obsessions, a problem which itself renders him unfit for office; he is also an aspiring dictator who demands that all political life centers on him. He identifies his fellow Americans as 'enemies' because they are of a different race, national origin, or political view. And he has threatened to use the powerful machinery of the state and its military forces to inflict brutality on those fellow citizens."

#Trump #fascism #PoliticsofHate

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"After a decade, Democrats and corporate media have finally started to use the correct language to describe the ideology of a twice-impeached, criminal rapist and his MAGA cult. ...

MAGA has three major ingredients, which include White Supremacy, Christian Nationalism, and Authoritarianism."

~ Wajahat Ali

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"I’ll also add a dollop of greed, hatred of Impossible burgers, and hypocrisy. The gumbo soup that houses all of them is known as fascism. ...

In America, fascism has gone mainstream thanks to Donald Trump…."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Former President Trump added to a baseless conspiracy theory he's peddled about Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs during a Univision Noticias town hall in Doral, Florida, on Wednesday.

Why it matters: After Trump and other Republicans amplified the false rumors that began in Springfield, Ohio, and spread online, residents in the community faced security threats.

Still, Trump and his allies have doubled down….."

~ Rebecca Falconer

#Trump #immigrants

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"A sheriff in Tennessee on Wednesday said witnesses reported seeing a group of armed people harassing hurricane relief workers in his county last weekend.

Carter County Sheriff Mike Farley told The Associated Press (AP) that no arrests were made, but witnesses said they saw FEMA workers in some type of altercation with armed individuals."

~ Jon Jackson

#Trump #fascism #violence #disinformation #lies #FEMA

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"William Jacob Parsons, who was arrested Saturday on charges of making threats against Federal Emergency Management Agency employees, is publicly defending alleged actions that disrupted the agency’s efforts to help Hurricane Helene victims. …

Parsons said he was motivated by social media reports claiming that FEMA was withholding supplies from hurricane victims in western North Carolina."

~ Maxine Joselow and Samuel Oakford

#Trump #disinformation #lies #FEMA

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"With less than a month to go before the 2024 election, fear among election workers is palpable. Statistics show that threats to local election officials are surging, up 73 percent since the same time in 2022."

~ Kim Wehle

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy #threats #ElectionInterference

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"CBS also interviewed Kim Wyman, a top election official at the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security (CISA), who said that she’s received threats like 'we’re going to hang you' and 'I hope somebody puts a bullet in your head.'”

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy #threats #ElectionInterference

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Mass deportations, using a 151-year-old law as a national abortion ban, privatizing the National Weather Service, sending the military after the 'radical left': These are some of the policies, proposed by Trump or his supporters, that have made headlines in recent months."

~ Heather Souvaine Horn

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"But in the past week, reporters have increasingly been looking into the ways that Trump-proposed policies could have far-reaching effects on another big part of the country: its food supply.

Trump’s anti-immigration policy is the most obvious example. 'The role of immigrants in the American food system is difficult to overstate,' Frida Garza and Ayurella Horn-Muller write for Grist and El País."

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Who will do all their work when they round up the immigrants and deport them? I keep asking myself. Have they really thought through what they're proposing to do to THEMSELVES as they vent their hate for a targeted minority community?

This is the problem with bigotry and hate: it makes people drunk, as it were, drunk with elation at finally being able to show open contempt for people they despise.

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

And in intoxicating themselves with that unholy elation, they blind themselves to the harm that they always do to THEMSELVES by venting hatred against targeted minority groups.

Heather Souvaine Horn (see /16) notes that rounding up and deporting millions of immigrants would have devastating effects on the US food supply.

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

It would affect US. It would seriously affect the very people jubilant about the idea of deporting millions of Americans.

I think about this as my husband and I walk daily past the house of an extremely rich Republican neighbor who had Trump signs in front of her house in 2016 and 2020, though I see none this year. Maybe they're still to come.

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

As we walk past her house daily, we often see crews of gardeners working in her beautiful gardens. They are ALL Hispanic men. Or we see a car full of Hispanic women parking, the women getting out of the car with cleaning supplies to go into the huge mansion and clean it.

My spouse makes a point always of stopping to talk to these folks in Spanish, greeting them, talking about the weather, asking how they are.

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

And as we walk on after those conversations take place, I always ask myself, Who do they think will tend these gardens and clean these houses when they have all those workers rounded up and deported? Who will repair our streets? Who will put new roofs on our houses? Who will take down trees and climb up and cut out diseased limbs in trees?

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

For that matter, who will provide medical care for us? A large percentage of my doctors and my dentist, too, are all foreign-born immigrants, highly skilled people whose services we sorely need — just as we need the hard labor of those folks cleaning our houses, doing our garden work and yard work, repairing our streets, putting roofs on our houses, doing tree work.

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Who will do all these things for us when we vent our rage, drunk with the elation of hurting other people — and when we hurt ourselves badly in the process?

Maybe we should think about this before we get drunk on hate.

#Trump #fascism #violence #PoliticsofHate #immigrants #racism #WhiteSupremacy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The armed North Carolina man arrested Saturday for allegedly threatening FEMA workers says he was motivated to intervene in person by that blitz of bogus social media posts about Hurricane Helene aid being withheld – and semi-admits to being bamboozled: 'I went up and saw that there was absolutely nothing there, so I stayed, and I volunteered all day.'”

~ David Kurtz

#Trump #fascism #disinformation #lies #FEMA


in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Trump's proposed immigrant round-ups talk about detention centers first.

The detention centers are to be slave labor camps with detainees

Similar to how China's Uigher slave labor camps function. Or Hitler's

The proposal is to make immigrants work unpaid before eventually being deported

Trump has a long history of not paying his workers. The rich want the same

The GOP's private prison donors seek to exploit the labor of detainees.……

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 Thank you for pointing that out. Yes, I think this is exactly how the camps they're envisaging are being thought of. At the same time, I think it's important to note that the many Americans who are hungering for this to happen do not seem to understand that rounding up and interning millions of people as a prelude to deportation will harm themselves in ways they don't seem to foresee.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 Yes — and I think it's people in general and not only national leaders or those crafting these plans that need to be challenged to educate themselves about what happens to them, to everyone, when they choose to vent hate in this way.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

The South never acknowledged the harms of slavery either. Modern Republicanism is based on that delusional denial.

Harriet Beecher Stowe was reviled in the South for rubbing their nose in it.…………

Slave owners never see the inner moral rot & public corruption that comes from slavery.…………

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 Yes, you're exactly right about that. Heather Cox Richardson's book on how the South won the Civil War is magisterial on that topic.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.