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Peter Kalmus, a climate scientist and climate activist, was interviewed yesterday by Democracy Now about the impacts of Hurricane Helene. Here is part of what he said...

I was reading articles about the flooding in western North Carolina in The New York Times. The articles did not even mention climate change, not a single mention. This is what’s driving it. And then there’s the larger context of irreversible global overheating, which is caused by the fossil fuel industry. They’ve been lying and blocking action for decades.

The planet’s overheating. It’s irreversible. It’s caused by the fossil fuel industry. And the reason I say “industry” specifically, not “fossil fuels,” is because this industry has been systematically blocking action for almost 50 years, for decades and decades.

This will get worse as the planet continues to get hotter. We’ll see even worse storms in the future. Every day that we continue burning fossil fuels and allowing this industry to continue spreading disinformation and blocking action, the planet gets hotter.

Hotter oceans fuels these storms, causing them to intensify more rapidly, to get much more powerful. And a hotter atmosphere holds more water, so we get these intense rainfalls, which cause the sort of flooding that’s happening right now.

I think that this is the most evil thing that's possible to imagine, that fossil fuel executives and lobbyists will continue to lie so they can line their bank accounts at the irreversible expense of our planet and the future of humanity.


#Media #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange

This entry was edited (18 hours ago)
in reply to Bread and Circuses

it is the most evil thing, condemning billions of people to a climate ravaged world so a few hundred men can be rich.

What are we doing as a species, we should be eating these men and building a better world.

in reply to Bread and Circuses

I’m in Canada on holiday, there were two international stories in the news on TV last night: 1, the flooding, 2, the shutdown of the last remaining coal fired power station in the UK. Plus one about a new hydroelectric dam in Alberta. Not once was the word ‘climate’ mentioned, it was bizarre. They’d have had to work quite hard to avoid it, presumably cutting out bits of interviews.
in reply to Oliver Kohll

Well, we did have a bit of the flood here in Austria, and many (albeit not all oft them) local politicians and media ALSO tried to avoid the word "climate change" like the plague.
Corporate media makes money by sellig advertizing space to big corporations who do not want to change their ways or especially pay any money at all (like CO2 taxes) in order to save the earth.
Also rich media owners hate wealth taxes that political "left"-wing parties like the greens want.
in reply to Piousunyn

Media barons have sided with malign influence narratives favored by the rich before.

The rich will orchestrate a crisis like the 1929 stock market crash with their irresponsible greed.

Then the rich & their media barons will launch an anti-immigrant & antisemitic blameshifting mass propaganda campaign.

It distracts & redirects attention from themselve while funding covert attacks on democracy.

The fascist media playbook:



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