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Via Harry Sisson:

BOOM! The #Harris #Walz campaign just released this statement in response to Donald Trump claiming that he has “every right” to interfere in elections. Share this everywhere!

in reply to Laffy

What more do people want? I have to point out tho, that Dem and GOP policies look more and more similar now, the difference being that Chief Cheeto is super loud about it.

We're all on a march to our doom in the US, with DJT we're on a slip n slide and with Dems it's slow walk. At least with Dems I might have a little more time to get my shit together.

in reply to KSHernandez

@kshernandez You’re actually both-sidesing Dems and the GOP Fascist Party’s policies?

So Dems being pro-choice, pro-voting rights, pro-LGBTQ rights, pro-union, pro-democracy etc etc. is the same as GOP doing the opposite with Project 2025?

Please elaborate.

in reply to Laffy


The GOP doesn't have any policies other than tax cuts for billionaires while the Democrats have put forth a multitude of policies, which includes a tax hike for billionaires and a tax cut for the middle class. You have me confused, too, on just what mean about the policies of the two parties being similar.

in reply to Laffy

Ultimately, US politics works to maintain the status quo, and due to pressure from the masses with changing ideals, both at home and internationally, yeah, politicians are grabbing for what they can to get the vote especially if it benefits them. There's no altruism here, let's not fool ourselves. There would've never been a Trump administration had we as a nation not had the fertile ground to produce such a man, at this time. Let's not be fooled.
in reply to KSHernandez

@kshernandez Maintain the status quo? Hardly. Again: Project 2025 vs Dem move fwd on rights, more.

You both sides'd policies: "Dem and GOP policies look more and more similar now."

They're not similar. There are, of course, corporate interests & they suck. But there IS some altruism, but not as much as there should be.

There was a Trump admin for a number of reasons, racism a primary one. "He sounds just like me." Grievance from a fraud pitchman, too.

Thanks for the chat. See ya #Toodles

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Laffy


Thank you. That is a good block.
You tried your best .

<sighing> I am tired of the both sides are equally bad accounts because they only fuel the destabilization of democracy.

Did you notice the profile page says " Bot Editor." that is used to create bots--a pain in the ...ermmm...neck!

in reply to Snowshadow

@Snowshadow I did some scrolling, and 90% of their timeline is asking for money for themselves. Are they deliberately causing arguments in order to get views on their timeline?
in reply to Laffy


I'd love to know just when that era was that the republican party gave a shit about maintaining the status quo. The only status quo they've been interested in maintaining in my lifetime (73 years) is the wealthy White male population.

in reply to Wiley Miller

@Wileymiller @kshernandez
Conservatives’ only true values are the acquisition and retention of wealth & power; all else is theater.

And thus has it always been and will always be.


in reply to Laffy

Speaking of 'both sides', there is an ad I keep seeing on YouTube (in Maryland) that starts off with 'we can't keep electing the same partisan politicians' and it turns out to be an ad for Larry Hogan! Umm. My fear is MD Dems will still have feeling for him from being governor and will flip a Blue seat Red, and then will be shocked when he votes with his party despite all of his left-leaning rhetoric. Because if he doesn't, he'll have a very short career, but long enough to do damage.
in reply to Chuck

@crdfilm It’s all over television too.

Hogan lives here with his wife:
(5600 sq feet on 6 acres)(2 residents)(even in 2021, just over $1.1 million seems oddly cheap 🤔)

Alsobrooks needs help to counter with her own ads against Richie Rich. Donate here:

in reply to Chuck

@crdfilm I live in Maryland, there are lots of people here who pat themselves on the back for voting across party lines for a “sensible Republican,” when that man never saw a dollar of education funding he didn’t want to redirect to charter schools and tried to use all the transportation funding he could on road projects that enhanced the value of his properties. (That’s not even the half of it.)
in reply to KSHernandez

They are nowhere near the same policies. In fact Trump/GOP have talked policies in over two years. They complain, that's for sure. But no policies that actually fix anything. Project2025 isnt even Trump's idea! That's how little thinking he and his team have done.
He is running to stay out of jail and have others pay his bills, nothing more.