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No. NOT a joke. Detestable Trumpian cop-out “JK” is BS…& potentially deadly.

“Hours after what the FBI called a 2nd attempted assassination of #Trump, Elon #Musk wrote on his social media site — and then deleted — a post suggesting it was odd that nobody had tried to kill President #Biden or Vice President Kamala #Harris.

Musk said the post on X had been intended as a joke.”

in reply to Laffy

2/ Via my old pal over at the hellsite,
Elizabeth de la Vega, former federal prosecutor:

In all seriousness, as a former federal prosecutor, I can tell you that a statement like Elon Musk's below DOES require an immediate visit by the U.S. Secret Service. That is the protocol in every similar situation.

in reply to Laffy

Trump has brought his Mafia style Governing to America
Elon Musk is just another example of Civil War that has already begun
Elon & Trump act as their Money gives them a passport to do anything they want
Trump has installed judges to grant himself immunity
If the Republican Party had any sense of loyalty to the USA it would have stopped Trump years ago
WE are dealing with Treason
They are Traitors