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Items tagged with: Biden

Some justices suggested during oral arguments that they were taking a sweeping approach to the case. “We are writing a rule for the ages,” Justice #Gorsuch said.

#Trump is facing 4 charges stemming from his attempts to overturn #Biden’s victory in the #2020election, the most serious of which carries a max of 20 yrs in #prison. The case has been on hold while #SCOTUS *considers* Trump’s argument that presidents are immune from prosecution for *official* acts they take while in office.


Via David Axelrod:

Reality check:
#Biden is the nominee of the Democratic Party, nominated by voters in primaries across the country. Unless the POTUS, himself, decides to quit--which he won't--that issue is settled.

The discussion that is going on now was timely a year ago, when few wanted to have it.

It's largely irrelevant today.

I agree and am so glad to see these concerns aired. The convention would be a disaster. Even if #Biden has a few lapses, his skill and experience far outweigh any downsides. And he has a great team! Trump is completely incompetent and malignant, and his team, as we have already experienced, is and will be exponentially more so. Imagine pardoning Stewart Rhodes and making him Secretary of Defense?

Also see this

‘Hello from my Black job’: Dems strike back after Trump debate remark

Democratic politicians took to social media Friday to poke fun at and criticize former president Donald Trump’s remark during the debate that immigrants coming into the United States illegally are “taking Black jobs.”

#GiftLink =

The TikTok is pretty funny

#USPol #BlackJobs #Debate #Biden #Trump #GiftArticle

The debate “production values” sucked as far as Biden was concerned — lighting, makeup, and camera angles seemed to be designed to make him look as old as possible — “death warmed over” captures it. Also, his mic probably could’ve been adjusted to make him more audible, and at times it looked like he was straining to hear.
CNN must’ve done this purposely for just the reasons you said— keep the “race” close. Haha! They musta been ecstatic when Biden showed up hoarse from a cold— the cherry on top.

But one thing I’ve been meaning to ask you. It’s my understanding that the Biden camp offered these two debates— take it or leave it. So why do you think they wanted one to be so early before the conventions?

#PresidentialDebate #biden


"Meanwhile, the New York Times Editorial Board did not ask Donald Trump to step down. Not after he was held liable for rape or fraud or defamation. Not after he was convicted on all 34 counts by a jury of his peers. Not even after he vomited lie after lie at the debate and refused to admit that he’d accept the results of the 2024 election."

~ Left Hook

#Biden #Trump #media #NewYorkTimes

Joe #Biden has a stutter.

Donald #Trump is a felon.

This is not hard.

🧵 1/2 #Biden

“I know I’m not a young man, to the state the obvious. Well, I know I don’t walk as easy as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth..

I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. I know, like millions of Americans, I know, when you get knocked down, you get back up.

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro: "Look, I think Joe #Biden had a bad debate night, but it doesn't change the fact that Donald #Trump was a bad president, a bad president who ripped away our freedoms, a bad president who drove our economy into the ditch, a bad president who exacerbated the problems of climate change, and a guy who stood on the stage last night and not only lied about his past, but lied about the kinds of things he's proposing for the future." —MSNBC

I would rather have Joe Biden drooling on the Resolute Desk while the intelligent and eminently competent team he has assembled runs the country than have Trump smearing catsup on the Oval Office walls while the team of actual Nazis and sycophantic idiots he has assembled dismantles our democracy and civil rights.

#VoteBlue #Biden #NeverTrump

#Biden to #Trump: You’re a whiner. Not one single court agreed with you that there was election fraud. “Something snapped in you when you lost the last time.”

#Debate2024 #PresidentialDebate I couldn't last watching the debate. I tried gave it a valid shot. It was just to painful to listen to #Trump unchecked. #Biden got some good hit in while I watched. Luckily I've decided long ago- it's not like I'm undecided and needed to watch to make a choice. Unfortunately that's probably true for most #Americians

Via #Biden-Harris HQ:

Partner of #Trump’s Project 2025 calls for abolishing the 22nd Amendment, allowing Trump to be in office forever

The American Conservative headline: "Trump 2028" with the byline: "The Twenty-second Amendment is an arbitrary restraint on presidents who serve nonconsecutive terms-and on democracy itself."

Via Kyle Griffin:

The #Biden campaign had its single biggest day of online fundraising the day after Trump was convicted, according to a POLITICO analysis of federal campaign finance data.

His political operation also drew more new donors the day of the verdict than any day since Biden launched his campaign last year.

Via #Biden-Harris HQ:

NEW: We just launched our new website on #Trump’s Project 2025 agenda.

Every single American needs to know about Trump’s plans to destroy our democracy—learn more at

President #Biden to #Trump: "You have the morals of an alley cat."

SERIOUS mistake by #CNN not to provide real-time fact-checking during the #debate. They are letting the convicted felon LIE constantly, without ANY pushback, and then expecting #Biden to defend against it. And I don’t want to hear about how Biden looks tired, is misspeaking, etc. The convicted felon is straight up LYING ON NATIONAL TV with wild abandon, with no consequences. FFS.

'Dick Van Dyke on #Ageist Knocks Against Joe #Biden: “I’ve Got All My Marbles, and I’m Old Enough to Be His Father”

The 98-year-old iconic actor weighs in on whom he'll be supporting in November on THR's 'Awards Chatter' podcast.'

"Old enough to be Joe Biden's father" is one of those claims very few of us can make.

This statement cooks.

Go Dick! 😤

Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who denounced former President Donald Trump’s actions around the deadly January 6 insurrection and was shunned by many in his own party when he voted to impeach the former president, is endorsing President Joe #Biden

#Trump allies test a new strategy for #ElectionInterference

In 5 battleground states, county-level ofcls have tried to block the #certification of #vote tallies — which election experts worry is a test run for trying to thwart a #Biden victory.

#law #VotingRights #ElectionLaw #BigLie

👏🏻President #Biden is expected to pardon US veterans who were convicted by the military over a 60-year period under a military law that banned gay sex, three US officials told CNN. #LGBTQ

Spread the word! #DemocratsAbroad is now part of the #Fediverse !

We're having a great time here. We're enjoying connecting with everyone.

2024 is a crucial election year, and overseas votes will determine the outcome. Visit to register TODAY!

We follow back!

#Biden #BidenHarris2024 #politics #USPolitics
#MastodonMigration #Democrats @politicalscience @politics @uspolitics @DemocracyMattersALot @GottaLaff #Mastodon

I missed this the first time and was able to grab it last night (video #2 below this one.)

From Jimmy Kimmel: Several #SouthCarolina #voters were read "#Biden" comments, which they then say shows his unfitness for office. THEN when told they are actually #TRUMP quotes, suddenly, the quotes are perfectly fine.

Not a HINT of shame or sense of hypocrisy. STUNNING! #GOPHypocrisy

Fox hosts probably need to watch more Fox.

Fox headline "talent" trashes the state of the "#Biden Economy", while the less-watched "news" segments report how WELL the #economy is doing under Biden.

Stunning #hypocrisy w/o an ounce of shame. #GOPHypocrisy

Why are large corporations endorsing #TheOrangeMenace when under #Biden, the U.S. has LITERALLY THE BEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD? 🤔


Via Kyle Griffin:

#Trump ran up the national debt by about twice as much as President #Biden, according to a new analysis of their fiscal track records.

Trump added $8.4 trillion in borrowing over a ten-year window, CRFB finds in a report out this morning.

Biden added $4.3 trillion with seven months remaining in his term.

The #Biden admin had asked the justices to take up the case, United States v. Skrmetti, arguing that the measure outlaws treatment for #gender dysphoria in youths & “frames that prohibition in explicitly sex-based terms.”

In the government’s petition to #SCOTUS, Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar wrote that the #law bans #transgender #medical care but that it “leaves the same treatments entirely unrestricted if they are prescribed for any other purpose.”

at least not all media orgs have stopped doing their jobs (looking at you #CNN)

"Israeli Forces Tie Wounded Palestinian Man To Vehicle’s Hood During West Bank Raid

A UN expert described the incident as an example of the Israeli military using Palestinians as human shields, an accusation normally reserved for Hamas."

#Politics #Gaza #Biden's buddies

How #Republicans are using #Georgia as a laboratory for stealing the 2024 #election, via #RachelMaddow.

The best way to overcome this insanity is for overseas #Democrats to #register and #vote in record numbers.

Visit to learn more.

#GA #Biden #BidenHarris2024 #RollingStone @politicalscience @politics @uspolitics

Maybe the Russian sub needs better glue...

"A Russian submarine that just left Cuba appears to be 'falling apart' with its soundproofing panels falling off, analyst says "

#MAGA #Republicans #GOP #Biden #Democrats #EU #Fascism #News #War #Pentagon #USA #News #Ukraine #NATO #NAFO #Politics #Cuba #Navy

#Biden ramps up push to end #Trump's #TaxCuts for the #wealthy, highlighting the choice in the #2024election

Biden says that if he is re-elected, he would let the #TrumpTaxCuts expire next year for people who earn over $400k. Trump & #Republicans say they want to extend them.

#TrumpForSale #CorruptCandidateTrump #oligarchy #kleptocracy #Vote #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024 #democracy

What #Trump promised #oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign

Donald Trump has pledged to scrap President #Biden’s policies on #ElectricVehicles & #WindEnergy, as well as other initiatives opposed by the #FossilFuel industry.

#TrumpForSale #CorruptCandidateTrump #oligarchy #kleptocracy #Vote #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024 #democracy