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Via Mia Tretta:

This will be my first time voting in a presidential election! I was shot at school during the #Trump administration, and let me tell you, I’m so excited to vote against him!#Vote #GunViolencePrevention #HonorWithAction #GVP

#Harris #HarrisWalz

in reply to Kersun

@karsonatorz You don't think Trump's incitement of and lust for violence, his gundamentalism, his disregard and even appreciation of gun violence are related to what she said? Seriously?
in reply to Laffy

I dunno if you realize where you live... There's guns in America lol. Electing idiot 1 vs idiot 2 isnt going to change that
in reply to Kersun

@karsonatorz So weird, you sound just like another ignorant, gundamentalist troll I blocked earlier.

#Toodles @karsonatorz and thank you for playing #WhackATroll

in reply to Laffy

@Snowshadow Jeez, another brand new 0/0 account. You’re getting them today. The MAGA desperation is setting in!
in reply to Laffy

@TonyStark @Snowshadow Have you guys noticed that they join, then switch servers to cover up the no followers aspect. I’m sure they bank on most people not bothering to click on the previous account.
in reply to @pineywoozle

@Pineywoozle @Snowshadow @TonyStark
Have some sympathy for these poor trolls, surely trying to advance their illogical, self-contradictory "talking points" (by which I actually mean "drivel") is as difficult here as it is trying to advance a well-reasoned, fact-based argument is on X. You have to give them an "A" for effart [sic].
in reply to Snowshadow

@Snowshadow @alan @Pineywoozle @TonyStark

Larry Ellison's billions are being well wasted on training trolls for Saudi Arabia.…………

in reply to Laffy

Hate to break your dreams, but there are enough Dems supporting the 2nd (which was once the response of not having a standing regular army, some 250+ years ago).

Neither Harris nor Walz have the power to abolish the 2nd and disarm the USA.

in reply to endlessendless

Well now, @endlessendless, I hate to break YOUR dreams, but neither #Harris nor #Walz wants to abolish the 2A nor disarm the USA. Stop watching #ClusterFox propaganda channel.

As for the 2A:…

#Toodles and thank you for playing #WhackATroll