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Yeah, this.

Via A.J. Delgado:

Wait stop the presses.
No, really.

I had to replay this.

Who the **** thinks this low class ghoul is presidential material??

Shame on anyone who a daughter who votes for this ghastly, disgusting creature.

Aaron Rupar:

holy shit -- i missed the moment during the debate where #Trump said #Harris "put out"


in reply to Laffy

I don't understand how anybody who is:

  • female
  • Jewish
  • A Veteran
  • A Minority
  • Low income
  • LGBTQ+
  • Muslim
  • honest
  • reasonably intelligent
  • A recent immigrant
  • ...

could vote for TFG given his obvious disdain for them. And yet, people will for all sorts of manufactured reasons. If TFG loses, I will take great pleasure at watching his world fall apart.