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Items tagged with: debate

‘Hello from my Black job’: Dems strike back after Trump debate remark

Democratic politicians took to social media Friday to poke fun at and criticize former president Donald Trump’s remark during the debate that immigrants coming into the United States illegally are “taking Black jobs.”

#GiftLink =

The TikTok is pretty funny

#USPol #BlackJobs #Debate #Biden #Trump #GiftArticle

Trump averted the question twice so far:

“Will you accept the results of the election, regardless of the outcome?”

In fact, he basically found a way to blame Biden already (“he’s gonna take it from me”).

Third time— he said he will accept it “if it’s fair” and there is no fraud— then he blamed Biden for his indictments and called it political persecution.

(Biden came back calling him a whiner lol and said there was no evidence of fraud— good for him 😂)


Trump's fact-free claims endure absolutely no fact-checking from these moderators.

Abysmal moderation.

#USpol #USpolitics #Debate #BidenTrumpDebate #Debate2024

In case folk are curious, Politifact are running a live fact check (because CNN ain't doing it.)


Via Elie Mystal:

CNN excluding Black owned press from attending the presidential #debate IN ATLANTA is so very on point for late stage American corporate media.

SERIOUS mistake by #CNN not to provide real-time fact-checking during the #debate. They are letting the convicted felon LIE constantly, without ANY pushback, and then expecting #Biden to defend against it. And I don’t want to hear about how Biden looks tired, is misspeaking, etc. The convicted felon is straight up LYING ON NATIONAL TV with wild abandon, with no consequences. FFS.

Trump almost killed the last person who prepared him for a debate.

Chris Christie prepared Trump for the last Biden debate. Trump had tested positive for COVID, but didn't tell anyone, except Mark Meadows.

This was pre-vaccine, Christie almost died.

Trump hid his COVID status & didn't test the day of the debate at the venue, as was agreed upon.

To hide his secrets, Trump will do anything, including kill the people around him.

Firing Line with Margaret Hoover, 12/09/2021

Why bother writing this? Who needs to be reminded? The MSM. Because treating Trump AND HIS ENABLERS like normal people is a mistake of deadly proportions.
I always hear, "You can't reach his base." Yes, I don't think Hope Hicks, Bill Stepien, Stephen Miller or Kellyanne Conway would step forward and tell people this. But Chris Christie did.
And the MSM likes to have him on.
The only way we hear new info in the MSM is when a new book comes out on this time period, otherwise it's old news.#Debate