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Via Emptywheel: 1/…

First, #Trump and #JDVance adopted a conspiracy theory from Nazis, Blood Tribe, designed to exploit difficulties of expanding population

Trump made a false Nazi claim to 60M people.

Now Trump's false claim is eliciting terror threats shutting down hospitals and universities.

This should be non-stop attention from the press.

in reply to Laffy

2/ Emptywheel, cont’d:

Trump & JD adopted a Nazi lie & it led directly to terrorist threats targeting the ppl JD claims to want to help, his own constituents.

They have CREATED a prob that wasn't there.

in reply to Laffy

3/ cont’d:

Meanwhile Trump allowed this insurrectionist onto his NJ golf course for a fundraiser.

Tom Dreisbach Sep 12: Trump’s Bedminster golf club hosted a convicted J6er/alleged Nazi sympathizer 2x this summer, where he was celebrated & gave speeches. At 1 event Trump sent a vid praising attendees as “amazing patriots.”

At the other, he won an award

in reply to Laffy

Here's #NPR Investigative Correspondent Tom Dreisbach's whole thread:
in reply to Laffy

Dana Bash did a pretty good job of pushing back with facts after Vance's lies. Then his retort was to blame the press of course and attack her personally. These people are horrible. Just horrible human beings!