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🧵 #JDVance is even more dishonest than Donald Trump. The old guy lies constantly, but often he can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. He regularly thinks he's in some other state.

Vance is a calculating deceiver who has twice admitted that he lied for political advantage.

Speaking to CNN today, Vance said that he and Trump "create stories" which are untrue, like the lies about Haitians in Springfield.

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

Note his use of the term "firsthand accounts." That is also a carefully constructed lie.

I'm sure he has constituents who have forwarded the rumors. But he's only heard them repeat the rumors firsthand. If they'd have given him firsthand proof, he'd have shown it.

He's a compulsive liar who spent his whole life lying for advantage.

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

This was not a slip of the tongue by Vance. 4 days ago also on CNN, he said almost the exact same thing.

Twice now, the second-highest ranking Republican has admitted to fabricating a news story for propaganda purposes.

If these flagrantly racist lies are things he admits to telling in public, what kind of lies does he keep secret?

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

As anyone who actually read his memoir can tell you, Vance has been personally at war with everyone else for his whole life. He constantly trashes others for their supposed laziness and lack of discipline.

Along his way, he's met other people like Peter Thiel, Amy Chua, Catholic integralists, and Donald Trump who found him a kindred spirit.

They handed him everything. And it's only made him hate more. And lie more.

Details on this point here: