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#TaylorSwift endorses Kamala #Harris on Instagram.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Laffy

2/ Here's how Taylor Swift signed her Harris endorsement:

With love and hope,

Taylor Swift
Childless Cat Lady

in reply to Laffy

3/ More:

in reply to chef 😎

Funny how you do support for Taylor Swift, the best polluting singer of the world, and Kamala, the first on repressing poor people and migrants.

Funny how you think that both are Better than Trump, will wait fot palestinian genocide under Kamala management. And everything will be your responsability.

in reply to Laffy

Do you think there's a correlation between the polls and trolls? It seems that as Trump's polls go down, there's an inverse proportion of trolls going up.
in reply to tom jennings

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

in reply to The Green Knight

@GreenKnight23 @tdwllms1 @tomjennings @toastie @Wileymiller
Guillotines aren't the solution unfortunately. Political violence rarely gets you where you want to go.

The French Revolution led to mass violence & settling of scores on innocent religious & ethnic minorities, along with the culpable.

The French got years of civil war then autocracy & perpetual war under a despot Napoleon.

Wresting back control of government for the people by the people is possible through reforms.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @tdwllms1 @tomjennings @toastie @Wileymiller violence is just another tool that's oddly simultaneously used too often and too late.

reforms are an available option currently, but if they don't provide the solution in the next 15 years, violent rebellion may be our only way to correct the balance.

greed and corruption are akin to cancer in our society and we must remove it at all costs.

in reply to The Green Knight

@GreenKnight23 @tdwllms1 @tomjennings @toastie @Wileymiller
My biggest worry is that the moneyed will orchestrate a world war like they did in WW2.

Income inequality always ends in wars between factions of the rich.

Musk believes he decides foreign policy.

Larry Ellison believes he decides nuclear proliferation policy in the Middle East

Schwarzman believes he sets monetary policy.

Bezos believes he...


Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons


... sets labor regulations.

Charles Koch believes he decides if the planet fries.

Barre Seid believes he decides when or if you have children or die of miscarriage.

Jamie Dimon thinks he should set tax policy.

The Uihleins & Diane Hendricks believe they decide when an election gets overturned.

John Paulson wants control of the US Treasury

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons


Harlan Crow believes he should be able to set rents in the entire nation.

Griffin believes he decides if you can ever afford a home or an education.

Wynn, Adelson, Bigelow, Ruffin want no limits on casino money laundering

Jeff Yass wants lucrative no-bid contracts to run education, the courts, & prisons to enrich himself

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 Elon needs locked up and his assets nationalized. He is a threat to mankind
in reply to Reallyblue3


Elon Musk deserves an investigation & trial like everyone else.

Hopefully before he engineers a war...

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

As slow as they were with Trump, Musk has no worries for a year or two. He knows he can simply go to another country, and many will take him in. The problem now is Musk has a good idea of our security, and that will be our downfall. Our justice department is still under Trumps spell.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to tom jennings

@tomjennings @GreenKnight23 @tdwllms1 @toastie @Wileymiller
The current degree of wealth hoarding is unsustainable

The ultra wealthy are frying the planet, fostering fascist movements, & eroding democracy

WW2 ended the rule of kings & aristocrats but cost 90 million lives, a nuclear detente, & military expenditures of $4 trillion dollars adjusted for today, 40% of global GDP

That's the possible future Musk & his ilk are buying us

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to T.Wllms

@tdwllms1 @GreenKnight23 @tomjennings @toastie @Wileymiller
The people will.

Spend as little time or money on Amazon, Lowes, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Vanguard, AT&T, Uline, ABC Building Supply,

Any corporation donating to Trump or Republicans gets nothing

Encourage everyone to defund the fossil fuel industry by switching to alternatives.

The moneyed are funding an anti-democracy movement.

Vote to end their subsidies, unfair tax breaks, and corporate welfare. Add a wealth tax.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

as a woman I am fully aware of that….having experienced it personally. I was just commenting on their expression if that was in fact an AI projection. This is perhaps why men should be sequestered not women. ….and this has been happening since long before now….about the last 10,000 years or so.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)