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Please read at least one of these sources about how Elon Musk's new V2 #Starlink is destroying radio astronomy.

Folks, this isn't funny. It's tragic. We are blinding ourselves to the heavens.

“...very soon the only constellations we will see will be human-made,”

"Humanity is clearly approaching an inflexion point where we need to take action to preserve our sky as a window to explore the Universe from Earth."

Oh look, Starlink is continuing to screw up the sky in every way possible.

"Second-Generation Starlink Satellites Leak 30 Times More Radio Interference, Threatening Astronomical Observations"

It's going to be "hilarious" when Starlink messes up the radio sky so badly that radio astronomers can't even use quasars to calibrate GPS anymore. There are so many consequences from all these stupid, cheaply built, disposable satellites.