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I wonder what Greg Olear really thinks of the Robert Supreme Court and of John Roberts himself:

'Leonard Leo and the rightwing machine decide what outcomes they want, they game the lower court system to get the Supreme Court to take on the requisite cases, and then Roberts & Co. pull shit out of their collective ass to produce a ruling that pleases their rightwing whoremasters."

#SupremeCourt #JohnRoberts #LeonardLeo #corruption

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"And who pays the price? Pregnant women who cannot access necessary healthcare. Children who get gunned down by the score in schools all across the country. Minorities who have seen their federal civil rights protections evaporate. Consumers of tainted cold cuts. And, just to pull something out of today’s news, homeowners in the path of Hurricane Helene, victims of the climate change the GOP & its stooges on the Supreme Court will deny until Florida is underwater."

#SupremeCourt #corruption

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Sam Alito is the most pompous of the current Leonard Leo justices. Clarence Thomas is the most corrupt. Brett Kavanaugh is the most nakedly partisan. But John Roberts is the most dangerous, the most insidious, the most fascistic, and, worst of all, the most appealing in the eyes of the press—despite the severe and possibly fatal damage he’s done to our democracy."

#SupremeCourt #JohnRoberts #LeonardLeo #corruption

in reply to Musa Nony

@jadugar63 Yes, he does mention Barrett and how, in a heartbeat, she'd assist her cronies in validating a contested election on Trump's behalf.
in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @Asbestos @jadugar63 They think people are livestock

They'll have the excess slaughtered & used to feed the rest soon