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AI and company liability

I rarely read Axios articles about AI but a recent one caught my eye. All of us in the InfoSec space know how hard it is to get our customers and management to commit resources to security. And it is rare to find understanding about legal liability around security, cloud and technology in general.

So this Axios article about AI and company liability is interesting:

The article points to this rather good piece by the NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy on areas of legal concern:

You can bet the AI companies are limiting their legal liability around use of their software. All while they pile AI into all of their products. So I think companies are exposed. I doubt that we will hear much in the near term about lawsuits against company users of AI, but I think this will happen. Knowledge and preparation are needed. And I would be very careful about opting into AI applications unless you really need AI and you really know the risks.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

#AI #Legal #Law #Technology

in reply to Patrick Townsend

Have you read the legislative initiatives going around in California? Quite the intersection of liability meets accountability doing the rounds!
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