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Before court adjourned on Friday, Justice #Merchan asked prosecutors to tell #MichaelCohen to stop talking shit about #Trump, after a defense lawyer alerted the court to a recent TikTok video in which Cohen wore a shirt w/ a picture of Trump behind bars. We don’t know what, if any, discussions this prompted between prosectors & Cohen, but he appeared to stay off social media this past weekend.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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#Trump brought a posse today.

Senator #JDVance, Eric Trump, Boris Ephsteyn, his *legal* adviser; Alina Habba, one of the lawyers from his civil fraud trial; US House Rep #NicoleMalliotakis; Senator #TommyTuberville; & the #Iowa & #Alabama attorneys general.
This is the biggest entourage we’ve seen him with so far.
He must be scared.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

in reply to Nonilex

In case you need a refresher on #MichaelCohen

Cohen pleaded guilty in Aug 2018 to a variety of federal crimes, including #CampaignFinance #law violations for his role in 2 #HushMoney deals w/ women who said they had sex w/ #Trump. He also pleaded guilty to personal financial #crimes unrelated to Trump, including tax evasion.

#criminal #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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3 months later, MichaelCohen was back in federal court to plead guilty once again. That time, he accepted responsibility for lying to #Congress about plans to build a #TrumpTower in #Moscow, #Russia saying he did so out of loyalty to #Trump.

His loyalty faded in 2018 when authorities zeroed in on Cohen, & Trump threw him under the bus. Cohen is now the star witness in this #criminal trial, which centers on a #HushMoney deal.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen was sentenced to 3 years in prison for all the charges. In May 2019, he reported to the medium-security fed prison in Otisville, NY, outside of NYC.

In 2020, Cohen was released on furlough during the COVID pandemic. But the Federal Bureau of Prisons sent him back after he refused to sign paperwork from #Trump AG #BillBarr barring him from publishing a book.

A judge later called his 2nd imprisonment “retaliatory” & ordered him released.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Justice Merchan said before proceedings began that he would not allow in a piece of evidence related to #AllenWeisselberg, the fmr CFO of the #TrumpOrganization, who is currently in #jail.

Prosecutors had hoped to put in evidence his severance agreement that requires #Weisselberg still be loyal to #Trump, to help explain his absence at the trial. But the judge is saying he won’t allow it.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen is called. Susan #Hoffinger, the head of investigations at the Manhattan DA's office, will handle the questioning for the prosecution. She was in the courtroom when Cohen testified in #Trump’s #civil #fraud trial — he did well during direct examination but not-so-much during cross.

Hoffinger starts by asking Cohen about his background, & he says he’s a descendant of Holocaust survivors. He “really didn’t want to be a lawyer,” but that his family is filled w/them.

#TrumpTrial #law

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#MichaelCohen says his grandmother wanted him to study #law. “I wanted to go to Wall Street,” Cohen says. “My grandmother was like, ‘that’s not going to happen.’”

This sort of gradual introduction of Cohen serves several purposes at once. It humanizes him for the jurors who have heard a lot of negative things about him in recent weeks. And it serves to relax Cohen on the stand before he starts into the meat of his testimony about #Trump.

#TrumpTrial #law

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#MichaelCohen is asked to identify #Trump.

Cohen says that he came into Trump’s circle by purchasing Trump properties. Then, he says, Trump himself offered him an opportunity to work at the #TrumpOrganization “as his special counsel.” He describes that transition into Trump’s world.

#Hoffinger, the prosecutor, asks #Cohen if Trump paid him for early #legal work he did at a Trump building, Trump World Tower. “No, ma’am,” he replies.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen is now testifying that he went to meet w/ #Trump on a bill about another matter. He says he was asked to meet Trump at his office. Trump asked if Cohen was happy at his “sleepy old firm,” & Cohen ultimately went to work for Trump. The bill was never paid. Trump told Cohen that he would only report to him.

Cohen got #Ivanka Trump’s old office on the 26th fl of Trump Tower when he took the job at the #TrumpOrganization.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen is speaking easily now. He’s injecting some personality into his testimony. He describes negotiating w/ #Trump over his salary, he says they settled on a compromise of $375k a year. “Bonus of course was to be discussed,” Cohen adds.

“It was whatever he wanted,” Michael Cohen says when asked to describe his duties at the #TrumpOrganization. Cohen leans into the word “he.”

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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Hoffinger, the prosecutor, is eliciting testimony from #MichaelCohen that he didn’t work in the general counsel’s office at the #TrumpOrganization -- he worked directly w/ #Trump.

One of the matters that Cohen often handled was brow-beating the #media for any negative stories about Trump. Many reporters — some in the courtroom today — received calls from Cohen in which he attacked their coverage of his boss.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen begins to describe the projects he began to undertake for #Trump, saying that they were “exciting” to him. Cohen was something of a Trump fanboy, & it’s easy to imagine him taking great pleasure in doing these tasks for his new boss. He reported only to Trump, he has said several times. “Just to Mr. Trump.”

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen is now testifying that he “re-negotiated” certain bills #Trump felt were too high. This testimony is significant to the case: it shows Cohen directly interacting w/ Trump on #money, & Trump minutely focused on what he paid & received.

Cohen says he would keep Trump apprised of each & every task he completed. He says that it was important to him to gain credit from his new boss, & that Trump would tell him he had done a “fantastic” job.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen says #Trump’s praise made him feel like “I was on top of the world.”

Cohen testifies about threatening lawsuits against people while he worked for Trump. One was a #MissUSA contestant (I assume sexual assault but it isn’t said). In other cases, Cohen said, he would be antagonistic to reporters, warning them that Trump would sue them over specific stories.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

in reply to Nonilex

#MichaelCohen is asked if he was “strong” or acted in a “threatening manner,” to which he replies, “I would say so,” but adds, not all the time.

#Hoffinger asks if #Cohen interacted frequently w/the press — seeking to emphasize how much #Trump cared about what was written about him, even before he ran for president. Hoffinger asks if Cohen worked to “minimize negative stories” & enhance positive ones.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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That’s the crux of the #conspiracy that prosecutors say #MichaelCohen, #Trump, & The #NationalEnquirer entered into during the election: suppressing negative stories about Trump to aid his chances as a candidate.

Prosecution asks about Cohen’s work negotiating on Trump’s behalf in the #TrumpUniversity case— in which Trump was sued for defrauding thousands of students & paid a $25M settlement — an example of regular people suffering as a result of a Trump business.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen is now describing talking to #Trump every single day, multiple times a day, before the #2016election. It was either in person or by cell phone, Cohen testifies.

He says that if he needed to reach Trump, depending on who Trump was with, he could have reached out to #RhonaGraff, his exec asst; #KeithSchiller, Trump’s #bodyguard; #HopeHicks, his press sec, or the Trump *kids*.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen testifies that #Trump "never had an email address." He adds that this was because of a fear of creating a paper trail, potentially for prosecutors.

#Hoffinger asks Cohen to recount conversations w/Trump in which he explained why he didn't use email. "He would comment that emails are like written papers. He knows too many people who have gone down as a direct result of having emails that prosecutors can use in a case," he recalled.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #mobTactics

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#Hoffinger used #MichaelCohen to testify how #Trump didn't like leaving a written record of what he was doing, because, in Cohen's telling, he didn't want his words to get him into #legal trouble. This helps prepare the jury for a gap in the prosecution's case: that they need to rely on Cohen's word - & not a written record, like an email - to prove that Trump himself was involved in the falsification of business records.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen says #Trump had an open-door policy, & took visitors one at a time.
"Boss, do you have a second?" he'd ask, & then walk right in, he says. He says Trump typically directed employees to always keep him in the loop. So, Cohen said, when a mission was ongoing, he would inform Trump every step of the way.
All of this relates to the case, as Cohen will soon describe that this general practice was in effect when he paid #StormyDaniels $130k in #HushMoney.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen describes his early days at the #TrumpOrganization as glory days. "It was fantastic. Working for him especially during those 10 years was" — he pauses —
"an amazing experience in many many ways." He sounds very sincere.

This reflects how Cohen actually sounded in real time as he worked there. It was not, as the jury has heard, how his colleagues always experienced him. Though Farro the banker testified to Cohen’s excitement about working for #Trump.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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in reply to Nonilex

#MichaelCohen says he lied to people on #Trump's behalf. #Hoffinger, the prosecutor, asks him about being called Trump's "#fixer." "It's fair," Cohen replies.

Cohen describes a remarkably servile attitude towards Trump. "The only thing that was on my mind was to accomplish the task, to make him happy," he says.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

in reply to Nonilex

#Hoffinger, the prosecutor, is asking #MichaelCohen about when he provided phones to the DA's office for their investigation. One of the defense lawyers, Emil #Bove, has sought several times to raise questions about when Cohen's phones were handed over - & whether he may have manipulated recordings & other materials related to the investigation on them before doing so. Cohen says he handed them over late last year.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen says he had >30k contacts in his phone.

Cohen explains that part of the reason there were so many is because Trump had his own contacts synced onto Cohen's phone for ease.

Cohen describes his relationship w/ David #Pecker, the fmr publisher of The #NationalEnquirer, & the 1st witness at this trial. Pecker testified that he, Cohen & #Trump entered into a secret plan to suppress negative stories about Trump in 2015.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy

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#MichaelCohen has corroborated some of what #Pecker said about when he first met Cohen.

Cohen says he sometimes contacted Pecker using the encrypted application #Signal - one of the small pieces of corroboration.

Prosecutors look for these opportunities to join up 2 different witnesses' testimony wherever possible.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen describes how #Trump would try to get a "good story," a phrase Trump himself often uses about coverage, including by making a charitable donation & having articles written about it.

Cohen explains in 2011 when Trump was considering a run for president, Cohen fed Trump a poll that was supportive. Cohen explains he "created for him my own website, called"

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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That period of time was one of intense competition between #MichaelCohen & Trump's longest-serving adviser, #RogerStone.

#Trump didn't ultimately run in the election in the following year. But he did plant the seeds for himself in the #GOP primary by vaulting to the top of the polls on the #birtherism #racist #ConspiracyTheory #lie that President Barack #Obama may not have been born in the United States.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#Trump also flirted with a run for governor of New York in 2014, but decided against it [too much work]. A year later, he began his run for president.

#MichaelCohen said Trump didn’t run because he had a lot on his plate, including another season of "Celebrity Apprentice." "You don't leave Hollywood — Hollywood leaves you," Cohen said Trump told him.

Cohen's public rep these days is as a Trump hater. But his testimony has made clear that he once adored him.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen explains that he wasn't going to be a part of the 2016 presidential campaign — he was "just going to be a surrogate," he says. This is the first in what is likely to be a series of humiliations by #Trump that Cohen is expected to testify to.

Cohen says he did some activities on behalf of the campaign, like putting together a "diversity" coalition. He was also given a campaign email address.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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#Hoffinger, the prosecutor, asks #MichaelCohen if he ever talked to #Trump about whether he was concerned that negative personal stories would come forward. #Cohen describes a conversation before the presidential campaign kickoff, quoting Trump saying, "You know that when this comes out, meaning the announcement, just be prepared, there's going to be a lot of women coming forward."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

in reply to Nonilex

#MichaelCohen has now testified that he, #Trump & David #Pecker, the publisher of The #NationalEnquirer, entered into a plot to suppress negative stories about Trump. He says Pecker "would be able to help us to know in advance what was coming out" & try to stop it from doing so.

This is the #conspiracy prosecutors allege Trump participated in - 1 of the potential #crimes that transforms the charges Trump is facing into #felonies.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen describes the negative stories about Trump's #GOP primary rivals The #NationalEnquirer printed. Some of the smears were directed at #MarcoRubio, the #Florida senator who is currently a top contender to be #Trump's running mate.

Cohen says that he "immediately showed" such material to Trump, who would greet it with praise like "fantastic, unbelievable."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen understood the power of a supermarket #tabloid, which would reach #voters "at the cash register of so many supermarkets & bodegas." He testifies: "If we can place positive stories about Mr. Trump, that would be beneficial. He adds: "And if we could place negative stories about some of the other candidates, that would also be beneficial."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen & prosecution discuss positive stories about #Trump that Cohen helped craft for The #NationalEnquirer:

Prosecution shows email back-&-forth between Cohen, & The Enquirer. Cohen is seen in the email editing what goes in & out of a puff piece about Trump. He doesn't want them to mention that Trump used to date a "Penthouse Pet" - evidence for the jury that Cohen was diligently micromanaging reporting of Trump's history w/women.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy

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#MichaelCohen lays out the first #CatchAndKill story that he worked on w/ The #NationalEnquirer. It was about an allegation by a #doorman at a #Trump building that Trump had fathered a child out of wedlock. Cohen describes telling Trump about it.

This is the first of the 3 #HushMoney deals that jurors have heard about. The last of them is Cohen's own $130k payment to #StormyDaniels.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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#MichaelCohen says he monitored the progress of the doorman's story closely, & that The #NationalEnquirer struck a deal to suppress the story. Cohen says that #Trump was very happy to hear of it - & that Cohen personally reviewed the agreement, & asked for a copy to show Trump so that he knew it was taken care of.

Cohen is describing seeking “credit" w/Trump for "accomplishing the task" of making sure the doorman's story stayed dead.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen moved on to the 2nd #CatchAndKill deal, which involved #KarenMcDougal, who said she had an affair w/ #Trump. Cohen says he mentioned McDougal to Trump, & his response was:
"She's really beautiful." Cohen says he warned Trump that McDougal was shopping her story, & Trump told him to "make sure it doesn't get released."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen is asked how he monitored the progress of the deal w/ #KarenMcDougal, & says he did so by text, phone & the app Signal. The prosecutor doesn't dwell on it, but that is documented evidence, & jurors heard from other witnesses, especially David #Pecker, just how much Cohen contacted the parties during that period in 2016.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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#MichaelCohen's testimony is incredibly important. The witnesses who took the stand so far didn't have direct contact w/ #Trump. Rather, they spoke to Cohen. Cohen has already testified about multiple relevant conversations w/Trump himself.

Having told the jury earlier that he checked in w/Trump on every little thing, Cohen is able to testify that he kept Trump attuned to every little piece of minor news regarding the #KarenMcDougal deal.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

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#Evidence is displayed in the courtroom, including texts about the deal.

The text message exchanges we're seeing are dated June 16, 2016, one month before the #RNC, when #Trump formally accepted the #Republican Party's nomination. While behind the scenes, his fixer, #MichaelCohen, was frantically trying to ensure that Playboy model #KarenMcDougal would not go public w/her story about having had sex w/Trump.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen goes through his text messages w/ #DylanHoward, editor of The #NationalEnquirer, about #KarenMcDougal.

"I've got this locked down for you," Howard tells Cohen of the McDougal story. "I won't let it out of my grasp."

Cohen is asked about having been present for a conversation that #Trump had w/ David #Pecker about a week after those texts were sent. Cohen says Trump asked Pecker "how things were going," & Pecker said they had it under control.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen describes a call when that David #Pecker said that it would take $150k to "control the story," referring to #KarenMcDougal's claims. Cohen testifies that #Trump said "no problem — I'll take care of it," meaning, Cohen says, that Trump would pay him back.

This demonstrate just how desperate Trump was to keep these stories suppressed: A lot of evidence has been entered about how frugal he was. (Though Trump never paid Pecker back for McDougal's story.)

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen reads more text exchanges w/ #NationalEnquirer’s #DylanHoward.

Jurors have already heard a recording, secretly made by Cohen as he talked to #Trump about #KarenMcDougal, corroborating this part Cohen's testimony.

Cohen said that #Pecker had told him the agreement w/McDougal was “bulletproof." That is exactly the same word that Pecker told the #jury that he had used w/Cohen.

#law #TrumpTrial

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#Hoffinger asks how #Trump received the news about the agreement.

"Fantastic," #MichaelCohen says.

Members of Trump's entourage have been live-posting from court. Eric Trump, posted about Cohen's testimony: "I have never seen anything more rehearsed!"

Senator #JDVance of #Ohio, who is in contention to be Trump's running mate, posted that it's "absurd" to criticize Trump for falling asleep in court. Vance writes: "I'm 39 years old & I've been here for 26 minutes & I'm about to fall asleep"

in reply to Nonilex

Andrew Giuliani, another #Trump ally & the son of his fmr lawyer #RudyGiuliani, is also posting from the courtroom, calling #MichaelCohen a "serial liar" & smearing the Manhattan DA's office, which brought the case.

Cohen is asked how he communicated w/ #KeithDavidson, a lawyer for both #KarenMcDougal & #StormyDaniels, says "phone, email, text.”

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen is now recalling David #Pecker applying pressure to get reimbursed for paying off #KarenMcDougal. "It was too much money for him to hide from the CEO of the parent company," he says. He adds that he had several conversations w/ #Trump about that fact. The jury is likely to again hear the recording that was played earlier.

#criminal #law #DeadBeat #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

in reply to Nonilex

#Pecker "insisted" on being paid back, #MichaelCohen says. He even met w/Cohen at his favorite Italian restaurant. "He expressed his anger that I need to get this money back," Cohen says. Trump kept insisting he would "take care of it." But never did.

Cohen says Pecker intimated that he had known #Trump for years & had essentially compiled a dossier on him, which he would use if need be. Cohen worried that Pecker might release some very damaging stories about Trump.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#Pecker's mounting frustration about paying to kill stories on #Trump's behalf & not getting repaid is what leads to Pecker refusing to pay for #StormyDaniels story, & #MichaelCohen taking over as the funder of the #CatchAndKill operations.

Cohen testifies about recording #Trump directing him to pay David #Pecker back in cash — the jury has heard this recording.

#criminal #law #DeadBeat #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

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It fits w/ #MichaelCohen's narrative that he was often updating #Trump on the progress of the #KarenMcDougal #HushMoney deal - on the recording, Cohen only has to mention Pecker's name & it seems as if Trump knows that he's referring to that deal.

Cohen claims that this was the only conversation w/ Trump that he ever taped, & that he did it so that Pecker could hear that Trump planned to pay him back, thus retaining Pecker's loyalty.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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Importantly, New York has a "one-party consent" law as to recording conversations. If a single party consents to a recording, it is #legal.

Jurors are played, for the 2nd time, the recording that #MichaelCohen described.
Jurors read the transcript of the recording on screens as the audio plays.

Cohen addresses the payment to #Pecker, referring to the publisher as "our friend David." Court again hears #Trump ask about financing & then advising Cohen to "pay in cash."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Big picture:

#Trump currently has senior #elected officials, including a possible future VP nominee, sitting in the courtroom listening to a recording of him, as a candidate, talking w/his lawyer about paying for material from The #NationalEnquirer. Trump has completely got the party under his boot.

2 #Republican senators, a congresswoman & 2 state AGs are listening to a now-disbarred lawyer advising Trump on a #HushMoney payment.

#Pathetic #Deplorables #criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#Hoffinger, the prosecutor asks #MichaelCohen specific questions about the recording.

Cohen says that when he insisted that David #Pecker be paid, he made reference to Pecker's dossier on #Trump. And he says that while he said "financing," he meant "funding," meaning he was asking how Pecker would be repaid for silencing #KarenMcDougal's story.

#criminal #law #DeadBeat #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #StormyDaniels

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#MichaelCohen says that the recording he made of himself talking to #Trump cuts off because a bank employee called him & he
"must have believed" the call was important.
But Cohen says he continued to speak to Trump about the #HushMoney deal w/ #KarenMcDougal after the recording ended.
This is another piece of #evidence that Trump's lawyers have sought to delve into, questioning why the call ended abruptly suggesting that Cohen may have manipulated evidence.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Michael Cohen testifies that he - & everybody - at the #TrumpOrganization spoke to #AllenWeisselberg about financial transactions. Weisselberg, currently in #jail, was involved in coordinating the repayments to Cohen after Cohen paid #HushMoney to #StormyDaniels.

Cohen is emphatic that Weisselberg was involved in every deal no matter the size.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen's testimony about #AllenWeisselberg's financial advice on the #KarenMcDougal deal explains why Cohen would go on to pay #StormyDaniels, borrowing against his home. He says Weisselberg told him not to go through the #TrumpOrganization -linking the payment to #Trump's company would defeat the purpose- but to come up w/other more creative ways to pay.

This will help prosecutors explain why Cohen made the #HushMoney payment in such a roundabout way.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#Trump seems to have paid attention to very little of #MichaelCohen's testimony so far. He spent the first hour or so sitting still at the defense table with his eyes closed. After the morning break he's been awake but reading through printouts as he often does - likely news clippings printed by his staff.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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Prosecution presents details of the financial transactions that #MichaelCohen originally planned to use to reimburse David #Pecker for the payment to #KarenMcDougal.

Cohen says that Pecker was not the one who was ultimately going to pay to silence the story. It was "Mr. Trump." &, as we look at his call history, he says that a 7-min call placed to Trump on 29 Sept, 2016 -a month before the election — was to inform #Trump that the McDougal matter was “being resolved."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen says after all that, #Pecker called & told him that #Trump would not have to pay. Cohen said he looked forward to telling Trump this, because it "would make him very happy."

Cohen says Pecker's explanation was that the #KarenMcDougal deal had ended up being good for his co. But the jury heard from Pecker during his testimony, that he had spoken to his general counsel & decided that he did not want to be repaid - because he was worried about committing a #crime.

#law #TrumpTrial

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An incredible number of hours went into covering up #Trump's alleged affairs in 2016. #MicgaelCohen & the team at The #NationalEnquirer went to elaborate lengths & constantly communicated about how to keep #women quiet. Accounting departments were engaged. Front companies were created. Misleading invoices were produced.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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#MichaelCohen testifies about being in London when the #AccessHollywood tape came out shortly before the #election. He says he got an email from #SteveBannon, who was the CEO of the #Trump campaign at the time.
Prosecution displays an email exchange about the tape that was forwarded to him by Bannon. Top campaign ofcls including the press sec
#HopeHicks, the campaign manager #KellyanneConway & the deputy campaign manager #DavidBossie were also on the email.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Part of Prosecution’s purpose is to make clear that #MichaelCohen is who the campaign staff members went to when they needed to address an issue related to a #woman alleging sexual misconduct by #Trump.

Cohen says Trump described the language heard on the #AccessHollywood tape as "locker room talk," & that Trump suggested that descriptor came from his wife, #Melania.
🤯 if she was in on the spin, the argument trump was concerned about her is BS.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen says #Trump directed him to reach out to his contacts in the news #media. And immediately, we see evidence of Cohen texting Chris Cuomo, then a CNN anchor.

The final text we see in this series is Cuomo telling Cohen that it will be "too late" if he waits until Tuesday to defend Trump on TV. Cohen was in London.

Cuomo says of Trump: "He is dying right now."

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This was one month before the 2016 election. The text exchange w/ Chris Cuomo highlights the urgent & critical - potentially fatal - nature of the release of the #AccessHollywood tape.

For context that weekend, Wikileaks released a trove of hacked emails from #HillaryClinton's campaign chairman's personal account, drowning out a lot of the coverage of the #Trump tape.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #MichaelCohen

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The texts show the #AccessHollywood tape was seen as a big deal to #Trump's electoral viability.

Prosecutors say this is the heart of the Trump campaign's motive to pay off #StormyDaniels. The tape had put the campaign on its heels, which is why Cohen personally purchased Daniels’s story for $130k.

#MichaelCohen testifies he believed the AccessHollywood tape was "was going to be significantly impactful, especially w/women voters."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen makes another reference to getting "credit" from #Trump, this time in connection w/ a #NationalEnquirer article that he got removed. This isn’t only about Cohen wanting head-pats, but also speaks to how close an eye Trump kept on his employees, & how quickly he’d admonish them when displeased.

At every step, the prosecutors are establishing that Cohen told Trump about every little thing he did for him — "to get credit."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#StormyDaniels's name comes up for the first time, as #MichaelCohen is questioned about the #AccessHollywood tape.

"Catastrophic" is Cohen's description of the impact Daniels's story could have had on #Trump's 2016 campaign.

Cohen says he spoke directly to Trump about Daniels early on, after learning she was shopping her story. "Boss, can I speak to you," he says he asked him, before telling him what he'd found out.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen says #Trump told him not only that he knew her, but that he had met her at a golf tournament. Trump, Cohen says, told him that #StormyDaniels liked him & that women preferred him even over football stars, like those who were at the tournament.

Cohen says he asked Trump then whether he had had sex w/ Daniels. He says Trump did not answer him, but called Daniels "a beautiful woman."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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Texts between #MichaelCohen & #KeithDavidson, the fmr lawyer to #StormyDaniels & #KarenMcDougal, are displayed on the screen.

Cohen, goes through his texts w/ Davidson & #DylanHoward, editor of The #NationalEnquirer, taking the jurors through material they're familiar w/from when Davidson testified, but it's more corroboration.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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The language in these Cohen conversations is coded & very mob-like. The #HushMoney is described as a "business opportunity."

#MichaelCohen says that #Trump, upon learning that #StormyDaniels was shopping her story, was very angry w/Cohen, calling it a "total disaster" & saying "women are going to hate me." Cohen says he responded that he had no control over Daniels's story.

"Just take care of it," he says Trump told him.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen said that #Trump told him: "I thought you had this under control."

Cohen says Trump also said of #StormyDaniels's allegation: "Guys may think it’s cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the campaign."

Cohen says that Trump explicitly told him they needed to do whatever they could to suppress Daniels's story until at least after the #election, because it wouldn't matter at that point.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen also recalls asking #Trump how #Melania might take it. He describes Trump's reply as follows: "He goes, 'How long do you think I'll be on the market for? Not long. He wasn't thinking about Melania. This was all about the campaign."

Cohen's description of Trump expressing fear that the #StormyDaniels story could poison him w/female voters is important, but uncorroborated. It's the first time a witness has attributed concerns about the scandal hurting the election directly to Trump.

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#MichaelCohen says that #Trump was "trying to push it past the election, which was upcoming." Others have testified that they suspected this was the reason the payment was delayed. Cohen is testifying that the delay came directly from Trump.

Cohen describes the details of the agreement w/ #StormyDaniels. He says that he suggested the clause that would penalize Daniels $1M every time she chose to tell her story. The clause, Cohen says, was meant "to ensure that she didn't speak."


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After the lunch break, #Hoffinger, the prosecutor, picks up where she left off, w/ #MichaelCohen on the verge of describing having made the #HushMoney payment to #StormyDaniels. She shows a series of emails w/ #KeithDavidson, who was Daniels's lawyer in 2016.

Davidson, who already testified he was frustrated by a delay in receiving the payment, says in the email that it wasn't necessary for him to speak to Cohen, & that he just wanted to be paid.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen responded to #KeithDavidson that it was the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur.

"I used the holiday of Yom Kippur as a way of just once again trying to delay" the payment, Cohen says.

Davidson testified that was exactly what he thought Cohen was doing - & to try to push the issue to beyond the election when the story would no longer matter.

Cohen brings up another early trial witness, Gary Farro.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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Prosecutors show #MichaelCohen the same emails & bank paperwork they showed to Farro on the witness stand. Farro previously testified about Cohen’s urgency to open up an account for Essential Consultants LLC, which was ultimately used to pay the #HushMoney to #StormyDaniels.

We are heading into the part of Cohen’s testimony that is focused on the alleged falsification of business records.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen, reads emails he exchanged in 2016 w/ #KeithDavidson, #StormyDaniels's lawyer, says that the correspondence represented that “we were losing control over the settlement of this agreement in order to prevent” Daniels’s story from coming out. He says that loss of control was a “direct result of my failure to wire funds.” Reportedly there’s still anxiety in Cohen’s voice about that “failure,” nearly 8 years later.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen says that he believed that at this point in the narrative, just weeks before the 2016 election, he could no longer delay making the payment to #StormyDaniels.

Cohen is shown a text message #Melania #Trump sent him on 18 Oct, 2016:

“Good morning Michael, can u pls call DT on his cell. Thanks.”

He replied: “Of course.”

The timestamps on the texts show that he responded to Melania’s message within 30 seconds.

This shows how attentive Cohen was to the #Trumps.

#TrumpTrial #law

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#MichaelCohen says he spoke w/ #Trump after this request from his wife. He says he called Trump using his #TrumpOrganization landline. That evening, Cohen says, he made an appearance on Wolf Blitzer’s show, in order to “respond to a series of topics that affected Mr. Trump & the campaign.” He says he told Trump he was going on CNN as a “surrogate” of the campaign to discuss Trump’s priorities. This was just a couple of days after the #AccessHollywood tape came out.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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This ties #MichaelCohen to the #Trump campaign & addresses defense’s arg that Cohen was “freelancing,” on his own. Cohen says that he regularly received talking points from the campaign, including before the CNN appearance.

Cohen describes Trump telling him that his friends had advised him to just pay #StormyDaniels the #HushMoney, & reminded him that he was a billionaire. “Just do it,” Cohen recounts Trump saying.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#MichaelCohen recalls that he & #AllenWeisselberg, spoke about possibly generating the $130k through a membership request or an event being held at a club.

Cohen is directly tying #Trump to the #HushMoney payment, corroborating the testimony of others, including #KeithDavidson & #HopeHicks, who said Cohen would never had made the payment w/o Trump's authorization. Cohen talks about Weisselberg helping him to think through how to make the payment.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#Trump, who was sleeping, wakes up, leans over, taps his lawyer Todd #Blanche & whispers something in his ear.

#MichaelCohen says he then decided that he would pay the money, & that #AllenWeisselberg said, "I'll make sure you get paid back." Cohen says he alerted Trump to that decision & that Trump was appreciative, saying "good, good." And he says that Trump, too, told him he'd be repaid.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen says #Trump “expressed to me, just do it. Meet up w/ #AllenWeisselberg, & figure it out. Allen & I spoke to Trump, I said I would front the money & he was appreciative.”

"I was doing everything that I could & more in order to protect my boss, which was something I had done for a long time," #MichaelCohen says. But he adds that he would not lay out $130k for a #HushMoney payment on someone else's behalf, indicating that he was expecting to be repaid.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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This testimony echoes #HopeHicks's remarks that she didn't think #MichaelCohen would have done this on his own.

The testimony is critical because it links #Trump not only to the #HushMoney payment to #StormyDaniels, but also to the scheme to reimburse Cohen for fronting the money — & that is what forms the basis of the falsification of business records charges.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#MichaelCohen says he spoke to #Trump before the LLC creation. “Everything required Mr. Trump's signoff" &, "I wanted the money back."

Cohen testifies about using a home equity line of credit to pay #StormyDaniels.

Cohen discusses a call between him & 2 reps of The #NationalEnquirer, David #Pecker & #DylanHoward. They discussed Daniels's plans to go to The Daily Mail w/her story, & Cohen says that it would be "catastrophic" for the campaign, further turning women against the candidate.


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The jury sees a text from Howard to Cohen on 25 Oct, 2016, in which Howard says they need to get the deal done w/ #StormyDaniels or it would look “awfully bad" for everyone. #MichaelCohen testifies that they all understood the effect her story would have on #Trump's campaign if it came out so close to the election & on top of the #AccessHollywood tape. This is important contextual #evidence. The defense is arguing that Trump's motivation was to protect his family.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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these texts - combined w/ #MichaelCohen's testimony - indicate that the motivations for the #HushMoney deal were to protect #Trump politically.

After Cohen decided to pay #StormyDaniels himself, we are seeing, he launched into a blitz of phone calls w/ both #KeithDavidson & David #Pecker. This is documentary evidence: & shows, w/ surprising ividness given that it is simply metadata, the frenzy that Cohen was experiencing as he sought to suppress the Daniels story.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Prosecutors have done a painstaking job of using hard #evidence like phone records, text msgs & emails to corroborate the Cohen’s testimony, knowing in advance that his credibility would come under assault on cross-examination.

One of the important things
Hoffinger did was to explain, thru #MichaelCohen, why there were no emails w/ #Trump: because Trump didn't believe in email or, at that time, texting.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics

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#Trump shakes his head & smirks when #MichaelCohen says he didn't mention Trump when setting up the bank account because he wanted to "protect him" from the transaction.
(#HopeHicks testified Trump told her essentially the same thing)

Prosecutors show an email Cohen sent #StormyDaniels’s lawyer, #KeithDavidson, showing that he had acquired the necessary funds.

Cohen says that he laid out the Daniels deal for Trump because "everything required Mr. Trump's sign-off."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial