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in reply to Vee

Republicans are paying a very high price for their allegiance to policy platforms funded by GOP billionaires.

They die at higher rates of covid.…

They die deaths of despair at higher rates.…

They have a shorter life expectancy.…

They die of gun violence at higher rates.…

All so 800 billionaires can evade taxation, keep frying the planet, & blame someone else for the results of greed

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

Are conservative thinking or critical thinking inheritable traits? How much is nature vs nurture? If there is a significant nature component it will result in natural selection forces coming into play over time. What will humanity look like millenia into the future?

I have a vague recollection of a bio study finding differences in the brains of conservatives vs progressives... will have to check it out to see if it had insights on inheritability.

in reply to avi2022

Social darwinism jokes about MAGA voters winning Darwin Awards, but it's a narrative framing that doesn't break a cycle of self-harm that harms them AND us.

Republicans vote against their own self-interest, & then those same policies harm everyone else too.

The policy platform purchased by billionaires harms the environment, the old, LGBTQ, immigrants, POC, non-Christians, women, children, the poor, workers, students, ...all while enriching a tiny group of old rich men

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

Agreed; we're talking about people here; we should all be sad when a group self-harms this way, it doesn't have to be so. Clearly our society went astray somewhere in our duty to our members. They have agency as adults, but $ backed propaganda is very effective on folks strapped for time, money & education.

Also Social Darwinism jokes are off-point science-wise, since they fail to account for inheritability.

To be clear, I wasn't making a #Darwin joke.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to avi2022

@avi2022 @Npars01
living in the south, i can see for myself that GOPs & especially white evangelicals are incapable of voting their own self interest because of their belief in white supremacy & a religion that teaches them they are "saved" (chosen) by God while others are inferior & will be burned forever by God

this isn't an inherited trait, they don't have that excuse, it's a culture & a belief system that our society has tolerated instead of mocking for what it is

in reply to peachfront

@peachfront @Npars01
#Education overcomes #tribalism.

Hence our failure as a society. Maybe we need mandatory #national #standards instead of education being a state subject as it is today.

K-12 is mandatory & free. Maybe #undergrad 3-year or 4-year should be mandatory & free at some point in 1st 3 decades of life.

Maybe we also need mandatory & free mid-life & late-life education to re-inoculate populations against #Billionaire #psychopaths & #predators & their #propaganda.

in reply to avi2022

@avi2022 @Npars01
K-12 isn't mandatory or free, there are endless workarounds to allow evangelicals & white supremacists to avoid sending their kids to public school, including vouchers, religiously owned private schools, & homeschooling

as long as people are allowed to opt out of having their kids educated around kids who are different from them, tribalism remains & becomes hardened over time as these cults grasp more or more power

in reply to peachfront

@peachfront @Npars01
> K-12 isn't mandatory or free,…

> there are endless workarounds to allow evangelicals & white supremacists to avoid sending their kids to public school, including vouchers, religiously owned private schools, & homeschooling

The exceptions to standards are troubling. It'll be interesting to see what % of kids fall out of the standardized systems.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Nicole Parsons

I wondered in 2020 if the number of #Covid deaths among #T**** supporters would affect the election. 🤔
in reply to MugsysRapSheet 🔩🐑🐘

According to some studies, covid deaths amongst Republicans did not determine the outcome of the 2020 election. It impacted the margin of victory but not the outcome.…………………

There is some evidence that Trump's incoherent pronouncements about mail-in ballots suppressed GOP turnout during the pandemic

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to MamiyaMan 🇨🇦 🇺🇦

The billionaires who conned Republicans into becoming a death cult are to blame.

People dying needless deaths through ignorance is never good news.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to MamiyaMan 🇨🇦 🇺🇦

@mamiyaman @Npars01

People need to realize what my account is all about. 🙄

There will be fun made of it all. of it ALL. 👍

in reply to Vee


Republicans resent being ridiculed by those they consider their social inferiors ... women, immigrants, LGBTQ, POC, liberals.

I understand the impulse to parody them. Mockery is an effective antidote to the GOP's Negative Nancy Narratives.

It works.

Ex: Stetson Kennedy parodied the KKK; it made this domestic terrorism group look & sound idiotic.……………

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @mamiyaman totally does... I'm surprised how effective it is actually! 🤷‍♀️ I mean if all these people are actually inferior to them you'd think they wouldn't care about their opinions wouldn't you? ...
in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 The mortality gap predates COVID, and goes right down to the county level. My theory: GOP is a death cult, so of course their policies cause death, wherever they are.…

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